Is that an additional year on the engine warranty for a total of 2 years? I'm pretty sure the 5 year warranty is for the hull, not the engine(s). That is what it used to be- it could have changed. Maybe manasota can verify this one...Ok, here is what BRP has offered. 1. Add one year to the warranty. 2. Issue a $75 credit for Seadoo stuff. And they act like that is really doing me a favor.
I bought a Seadoo Sportster 4TEC less than 30 days ago with only 8.5 hours on the motor. A seat anchor screw penetrated the air intake when the boat was made resulting in water in the engine. Seadoo is not handling the situation to my satisfaction. I would not recommend buying ANYTHING from SEADOO or BOMBARDIER! Bad news!
They say that my latest problem was a grounding problem that only occured after the boat was warmed up. So that would explain why I get stranded every time I use the boat.
I pretty much had to accept their offer. I will never buy another product from them.

Warning SeaDoo
Posted 09 September 2004 - 08:41 AM
Posted 10 September 2004 - 08:38 AM
Hey folks - been away from the forum for a while, so I'm just catching up on this thread.Ok, here is what BRP has offered. 1. Add one year to the warranty. 2. Issue a $75 credit for Seadoo stuff. And they act like that is really doing me a favor.
I bought a Seadoo Sportster 4TEC less than 30 days ago with only 8.5 hours on the motor. A seat anchor screw penetrated the air intake when the boat was made resulting in water in the engine. Seadoo is not handling the situation to my satisfaction. I would not recommend buying ANYTHING from SEADOO or BOMBARDIER! Bad news!
They say that my latest problem was a grounding problem that only occured after the boat was warmed up. So that would explain why I get stranded every time I use the boat.
I pretty much had to accept their offer. I will never buy another product from them.
jpeezy - I will apologize if my original post was harsh; however, at the time I felt what I said was reasonable based upon what had transpired up until that time. Having said that, I now feel that you've been more than accomodating to BRP and they, in turn, have not really done the right thing for you. What they have offered you doesn't cost them anything with the possible exception of the warranty work. It's a crying damn shame that you've suffered with all the aggrivation only to come away with a token compensation for your troubles. The one question I'd like to ask the product manager at BRP with regards to your boat is:
"If this were your boat, and knowing what you know about the repairs, the starting issues, etc., would you put YOUR family in this boat and head out 20 miles from shore?"
I think we all know what the answer would be.
My 2002 Speedster 160 wasn't "officially" sold for the first time until January of this year. So I have until January 2005 to get some warranty work done. I hope my experience won't be the same.

Lastly....if you doo decide to get rid of the 4-Tec, I too would suggest that you look at those SeaDoo models (assuming BRP hasn't turned you off so bad that you wouldn't buy anything from them) that have the Merc jet pump system. Mercury powerheads are arguably among the best. And the powerheads used for the jet pumps are very reliable, proven designs that have been around for some years. Therefore, you'll be able to find an outboard mechanic just about anywhere that can work on it. And, if you're so inclined, there's a bunch of hop-up parts for those powerheads and plenty of folks that know how to make 'em go fast.

Take care and I'm truly sorry for the ordeal you've been through.
Posted 13 September 2004 - 08:45 AM

Posted 13 September 2004 - 09:34 AM
Great job! I speculate here that the big difference in owner experience is because some dealers give a hi-ho damn about the people who keep them in business! You are obviously such a dealer, and you get my vote! This is the second example of you guys getting the job done and satisfying the customer. Both times above and beyond what has come to be the "typical" experience heard about on most of these boards. We all know that the bad experience will always be heard first.We just had a Sportster 4-TEC that sank July 11th (did not buy from us)...then sat at another dealer with an estimate to repair of $3810 because the dealer couldn't figure out why the boat sank...tried to blame operator error and got into a pissing contest with the boat owner (who is a foreigner and doesn't speak English well)...consequently the boat sat 6 weeks with saltwater in the engine before the owner finally got the boat to us..within 20 minutes of him leaving the boat with us, we turned the engine over and started purging out the saltwater...6 oil changes,a new wiring harness and front fuse box later THE BOAT IS RUNNING !!...our estimate was only $ 1804 and once I called our dealer support line and pleaded the owners case they (BRP) covered it under warranty !! We still never figured out why the boat sank but speculate the same punctured intake hose (which is under recall) ...those engines are pretty tough-we have yet to pull one out-haven't had to !
You mention that this issue has become a recall. Is it truly a recall, and if so, can we get a campaign number? Thanks again for you taking the time to post with us....
Posted 13 September 2004 - 09:53 AM
no. 2004–0008
Date: August 27, 2004 Subject: Penetrated Air Intake Hose No. 2004-7
2004 Sportster 4–TEC 5150/5151 All
Starboard aft seat dart in center seat cushion
may have penetrated the air intake hose during
assembly. On affected boats, water could enter
the air intake hose and engine if stored outside,
resulting in serious engine damage.
Inspect and/or replace the intake hose and remove
water from both intake manifold and engine if
Open engine cover and remove panel.
The air intake hose exits the airbox [1] and loops
forward between the fuel tank and deck before
connecting to the throttle body bell mouth [2].
Inspect the top of the hose in the area between
the deck and fuel tank. If the seat dart [1] has
Printed in Canada. (LBGWC-2004-007 SB) 1 / 3
©2004 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. and BRP US Inc. All rights reserved.
®™Trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates.
* Trademark of Bombardier Inc. used under license.
not penetrated the intake hose, loosen the hose
clamp on the airbox end of the hose.
Rotate hose clockwise (viewed from above) until
the hose contacts the fuel tank.
Rotate hose counterclockwise slightly so that
it does not contact the fuel tank or dart [1].
Retighten clamp.
Claim only flat rate time for inspection.
Hoses penetrated by the dart must be replaced
with 0.6m (24 in) of new hose (P/N 204 340 435*).
NOTE: * When ordering quantity 1 of this part
number, dealer will receive 2m.
If the boat has been stored outside, the intake
manifold must be removed from the engine and
any water in it must be removed. Remove only
those components necessary to allow rotation of
intake manifold to empty water from manifold.
Refer to Shop Manual 219 100 172, section
If there is water in the intake hose or intake
manifold, the engine cylinders must also be
checked for water. Refer to section 02–04 for
drowned engine procedure.
Once all water has been removed from the
engine and intake manifold, reinstall the intake
manifold and install new hose.
NOTE: The engine oil will not need to be changed.
However, the engine should be started and
brought up to operating temperature with the boat
in the water as soon as possible.
Use the same technique as in the inspection
procedure to ensure the new hose does not
contact the dart or the fuel tank.
Claim flat rate time for both inspection and repair.
2 / 3 2004-7 Warranty
Submit a warranty claim using the following
Warranty Campaign Information
Campaign Number 2004–0008
Claim Type 07
Flat Rate Time Inspection 0.3
Flat Rate Time Replacement 0.8
Expiration Date 2005–08–27
NOTE: On BOSSWeb, put a check in the
inspection box if only an inspection was
performed, and both the inspection and repair
boxes if a repair has been made.
The dealer/distributor is required to return all
hoses to support their claims.
Shipping address is:
c/o Warranty Department
7575 Bombardier Court
Wausau, WI 54401
Shipping address is:
Warranty Parts Inspection Center
565 de la Montagne
Valcourt, QC J0E 2L0
Contact your local distributor for return of parts.
Warranty 2004-7 3 / 3

Posted 13 September 2004 - 10:06 AM

Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 14 September 2004 - 12:35 PM

Attached Files
Posted 14 September 2004 - 12:41 PM
Yeah I can but I was just trying to get a cleaner copy, I guess I will just clean it up myself.can you cut and paste it ??'s Hurricane Ivan just before noon today
Man that hurricane is looking pretty nasty!

Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 14 September 2004 - 02:00 PM
The problem with my boat initiated the recall! That's what my dealer told me.Campaign(s)
no. 2004–0008
Date: August 27, 2004 Subject: Penetrated Air Intake Hose No. 2004-7
2004 Sportster 4–TEC 5150/5151 All
Starboard aft seat dart in center seat cushion
may have penetrated the air intake hose during
assembly. On affected boats, water could enter
the air intake hose and engine if stored outside,
resulting in serious engine damage.
Inspect and/or replace the intake hose and remove
water from both intake manifold and engine if
Open engine cover and remove panel.
The air intake hose exits the airbox [1] and loops
forward between the fuel tank and deck before
connecting to the throttle body bell mouth [2].
Inspect the top of the hose in the area between
the deck and fuel tank. If the seat dart [1] has
Printed in Canada. (LBGWC-2004-007 SB) 1 / 3
©2004 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. and BRP US Inc. All rights reserved.
®™Trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates.
* Trademark of Bombardier Inc. used under license.
not penetrated the intake hose, loosen the hose
clamp on the airbox end of the hose.
Rotate hose clockwise (viewed from above) until
the hose contacts the fuel tank.
Rotate hose counterclockwise slightly so that
it does not contact the fuel tank or dart [1].
Retighten clamp.
Claim only flat rate time for inspection.
Hoses penetrated by the dart must be replaced
with 0.6m (24 in) of new hose (P/N 204 340 435*).
NOTE: * When ordering quantity 1 of this part
number, dealer will receive 2m.
If the boat has been stored outside, the intake
manifold must be removed from the engine and
any water in it must be removed. Remove only
those components necessary to allow rotation of
intake manifold to empty water from manifold.
Refer to Shop Manual 219 100 172, section
If there is water in the intake hose or intake
manifold, the engine cylinders must also be
checked for water. Refer to section 02–04 for
drowned engine procedure.
Once all water has been removed from the
engine and intake manifold, reinstall the intake
manifold and install new hose.
NOTE: The engine oil will not need to be changed.
However, the engine should be started and
brought up to operating temperature with the boat
in the water as soon as possible.
Use the same technique as in the inspection
procedure to ensure the new hose does not
contact the dart or the fuel tank.
Claim flat rate time for both inspection and repair.
2 / 3 2004-7 Warranty
Submit a warranty claim using the following
Warranty Campaign Information
Campaign Number 2004–0008
Claim Type 07
Flat Rate Time Inspection 0.3
Flat Rate Time Replacement 0.8
Expiration Date 2005–08–27
NOTE: On BOSSWeb, put a check in the
inspection box if only an inspection was
performed, and both the inspection and repair
boxes if a repair has been made.
The dealer/distributor is required to return all
hoses to support their claims.
Shipping address is:
c/o Warranty Department
7575 Bombardier Court
Wausau, WI 54401
Shipping address is:
Warranty Parts Inspection Center
565 de la Montagne
Valcourt, QC J0E 2L0
Contact your local distributor for return of parts.
Warranty 2004-7 3 / 3
Posted 14 September 2004 - 09:43 PM
Your Dealer is full of sh@!....... I was thinking about all of this and not to bore you with a similar situation I had with Black and Decker, but try this.The problem with my boat initiated the recall! That's what my dealer told me.
Begin posting the Dealer's name along with Manger's names etc.... (legal as long as you don't make stuff up) and let them know you are warning all others to stay away from not only Seadoo but their dealership.
Consider taking out a 1 page ad in a local newspaper.....I would be more than willing to contribute to this cost if it helps you. Someone can help you write up a letter and make it more than noticeable.
Send the links to these Posts to the Business Bureau.....maybe some sort of Board in the states..??
GO PUBLIC.........and let them know. Tell your Dealer you are willing to spare them if they through in a heck of allot more than Seadoo/BRP.
Like I said....I would through in a few bucks to help out with your cause!!!! not kidding!
Posted 14 September 2004 - 09:49 PM
Hey nookie, curious to hear more about your problems at Lockharts. I also bought my 2003 Speedster there last Summer. Melissa is who I dealt with the most and Chris a fair bit as well. They have both been exceptional in helping me out and have not had any problems with them, yet.I have a 4-tec as well, had only 2 minor problems and both were fixed by Lockhart Oddysee in Courtland Ontario.
They did not take responsibility however when things disappeared from my boat while in their care.
As said before you learn as you go, my next boat will come from different dealer.
Funny thing though......before I took my Boat in for servicing............I emptied everything except for the Safety stuff beforehand. Not because I thought it would go missing, but just because it would be out of the way.
I am planning on trading in next year for something a bit bigger......was thinking about going to Caljet to see what they can do.
Posted 15 September 2004 - 07:10 AM
1) The used the trailer jack as a step, and wrecked the crank handle.
2) the tiedown straps in rear disappeared, "They must have fallen off" was Dan's answer.
3) 1/2 inch cut on a trim piece, screwdriver or whatever. Thank you.
4) They did not provide me with a sheet explaining what they checked/did.
5) Did not fix loose seats as requested during 10hr inspection.
6) Did not provide BUDS printout as requested 2times.
But....When I got home I went over the 10hr inspection ($250.00!) myself I found they did very little or nothing aside from the oil-change. nothing was checked, greased or lubricated as per maintenance sheet. also;
1) Riding plate bolts were loose, i.e. spinning in the hole, should have been checked and fixed as per 10hr.
2) the impeller damper boot had come off, should have been checked/seen.
I did not realize what this did at the time but I noticed it. and pulled pump last week to see what was up and cured the rattling noise prone to probalbly all sportsters, (And fixed it!).
I also purchased from Melissa, I have had no problem with sales. it's the service dept. that I'm no longer happy about. I'll problably purchase my boat elsewhere next time.
Attached , the black boot shown installed properly, but will come off on many sportsters I'm sure and will sit approx 1/4 in front of the impeller because it's not on tight enough. (I've put a small tie-wrap in fron of it so it cannnot slide off.
One gone It will loose it damping abilities. Grease will disappear from the coupling. causing slight vibration rattling noise.
Attached Files
Posted 15 September 2004 - 07:35 AM
Attached Files
Posted 15 September 2004 - 08:17 AM
Thanks manasota, got it posted on the 'Recalls' page here. Can you keep us up to date if you get anymore campaigns like this for other doos that I don't already have posted?Yeah I can but I was just trying to get a cleaner copy, I guess I will just clean it up myself.can you cut and paste it ??'s Hurricane Ivan just before noon today
Man that hurricane is looking pretty nasty!![]()
Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 15 September 2004 - 05:02 PM

Posted 15 September 2004 - 05:40 PM
Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 16 September 2004 - 07:16 AM
no. 2004–0007
Date: June 29, 2004 Subject: Islandia oil lines reversed No. 2004-6
5175 Starting with US-CEC50000H304
through US-CEC50114A404
2004 Islandiaâ„¢
5176 Starting with US-CEC52000I304
through US-CEC52070A404
Some 2004 Islandia boats have the oil lines from
the external oil tank inverted as connected to
the engine. When the engine is run with the
lines connected improperly, the #6 cylinder can
hydrolock with oil, causing severe engine damage,
and no oil will be drawn from the external tank,
activating the alarm and putting the engine in the
limp home mode.
The following hose connection information is true
of all Mercury†engines in use by BRP.
The two lines connected to the cap on the external
tank are the oil supply line [1] (black with a blue
stripe) and the pressure line [2] (solid black). The
oil supply line should be connected to the higher
fitting in the center of the cap. The pressure line
should be connected to the lower fitting placed
off-center in the cap.
†Mercury is a trademark of Brunswick Corporation
Printed in Canada. (lbg2004-006 PM) 1 / 3
©2004 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. All rights reserved.
®™Trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates.
* Bombardier and the sprocket design are trademarks of Bombardier Inc., used under license.
The oil supply line [1] (blue/black) should be
connected to an in-line oil filter on the port side
of the engine.
The pressure line [2] (black) should be connected
to a connector and short piece of hose that
is connected to the engine crankcase on the
starboard side of the engine.
If the lines are connected correctly at both the cap
and the engine, no corrections are necessary.
If the lines are reversed at the engine, cut both
tie wraps at the oil tank cap and move the lines
to the opposite fittings on the cap. Mark them as
shown with a paint pen (obtained locally). Refasten
using 2 tie wraps (P/N 293 750 002) or equivalent.
NOTE: Mercury has always marked the oil line
with a blue stripe. Marking the lines as shown
will clarify any questions when future service is
Remove the lanyard cap to prevent spark at the
spark plugs. Remove the #6 spark plug. Turn the
engine over for several revolutions to purge the
crankcase of oil that may have run into the cases
during storage.
Please check, and if necessary, correct all 2004
Islandia boats in stock prior to delivery.
If you have delivered any of the models listed,
please call your customers and arrange inspection
of these oil lines as soon as possible.
2 / 3 2004-6 Warranty
Submit a warranty claim using the following
Warranty Information
Campaign Number 2004–0007
Claim Type 07
Flat Rate Time 0.5
Expiration Date June 21, 2005
For claiming procedure, refer to the
Dealer/Distributor Warranty Guide.
Warranty 2004-6 3 / 3

Posted 16 September 2004 - 08:19 AM

Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 21 September 2004 - 08:26 AM

Want to spread the word about and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here,
Posted 22 September 2004 - 07:21 AM
I had a good day on the water Saturday before last. Seems like the problem might be fixed. At least it started every time. I'm still wary of the boat. Don't feel comfortable taking her out. That won't change.So jpeezy, what's the latest.

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