Hello, I have 99 challenger 1800 twin 787's. I have been having spark issues with my right side motor for last 4-6 weeks. Just a little update on what I have done thus far.
I have cleaned and rebuilt all four carbs with mikuni parts.
Cleaned acc pump on carbs and new diaphragms in both
Took out all four rave valves and cleaned them and reinstalled with new gaskets.
New wear rings
grease drive shaft
now for the spark issues. The left side motor cranks up fine and runs great. The right side motor is SOOOO hard to crank (or get spark) but once I do it cranks every time after that for the rest of the day on the lake. It acts like after gets warm and broken its ready for day on the lake. Its just that first start that sometimes never happens. What I have done to fix this. I have removed the ignition box from right motor and put on the left motor and it cranks. I put the coil box from the left motor on the right motor and it still did not crank. I took the plug off the front on magneto and checked for corrosion and sprayed electrical cleaner and put it back in. I did a continuity test for the 4 wires from the coil box up to the mpem and i have continuity. Only thing I couldn’t trace the red wire from the coil box ( I believe they head to the rectifier but not for certain). I have change spark plugs and put new ones in and still no luck... I have check the ground on the mpem and it checks good. I am checked the ground for the coil bock and it seems good too. I placed two jumpers from the mpem ground directly to battery and the coil box with still no luck...
Now, what should I do from here?!?!? I have done the advance diagnose and the right motor will give me two short beeps. But the left motor will crank right up. I checked this code and its talk about DESS system not working right... How can this be so if the left motor cranks fine on the same lanyard?!?! And when I am not dig mode and put the lanyard on the post i get two beeps as normal and left motor will crank right up but the right motor will just turn over...
Any help on what to check or go from here would be much appreciated....
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Spark issue with twin 787 on 99 challenger 1800
25 June 2010 - 12:24 PM
pop-off pressure question
09 June 2010 - 01:48 AM
Hello, I am in the middle of rebuilding all 4 of my carbs. I went by local seadoo dealer and picked up fout new mikuni rebuild kits. Well the kits come with two diff pop-off springs. Before I took the carbs apart the values were 36 psi for the mag and 34 psi for the pto. Well, now that I installed the spring that looked like the old one the new readings are around 25 psi for both. And if i install the other spring that is just hair longer my readings are around 46 psi on both. The service manual says 38 psi +/- 12 psi.
My question is better to leave in the old springs that are around 36 psi or the new lower psi spring or the higher psi spring? What difference will I have with lower or higher psi pop-off value? I was guessing that I need to install the new higher psi I spring since it is new and in spec with the service manual of the 38 psi +/- 12 psi.
Thanks for your help in advance...
My question is better to leave in the old springs that are around 36 psi or the new lower psi spring or the higher psi spring? What difference will I have with lower or higher psi pop-off value? I was guessing that I need to install the new higher psi I spring since it is new and in spec with the service manual of the 38 psi +/- 12 psi.
Thanks for your help in advance...
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
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