I second that. Your modified disc looks good.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
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Old Hickory Lake
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Challenger 180 SE
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Rotax 4-TEC SCIC
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In Topic: 180 Challenger seat fix/upgrade
19 March 2015 - 10:49 PM
In Topic: Ski mode on new 2012 speedsters
15 February 2015 - 10:26 PM
2012 Sea Doo 180 SE with Ski Mode.:
In Topic: Newbie from Toronto
14 February 2015 - 11:45 AM
Welcome to the forums!
I have seen a lot of good reviews of the monster tower packages, but I am personally not very familiar with them.
Additionally, I only smell burning oil due to leaky seals at startup on my '98 1800, but other than that I don't encounter any overwhelming exhaust smell when tubing behind it.
Maybe this is just a difference between the Rotax and Merc two strokes.
In Topic: 97 Challanger 1800 Shop Manual
09 February 2015 - 01:52 AM
SBT sells new reverse cables for your boat. Ive provided a link to the part below.
I have personally replaced the reverse cable on my '98 1800. Changing the shifter section of the cable was simple. Hopefully your stainless shifter screws did not bond with the aluminum braces holding the shifter in place. Otherwise, the challenge comes when changing the thru hull section. It can be done, and is easier if the water-box near the thru-hull bolt is removed before the repair.
You will need anadjustable wrench, and be prepared to do some extended headstands.
In Topic: Ski mode on new 2012 speedsters
09 February 2015 - 01:18 AM
I'm certian there is a way to have it enabled on the '12 180. Unfortunately, my local dealer states his setup and diagnostic tools are unable to enable this mode. I've heard of some owners loosing ski mode on 180SE models after the first service. Therefore, if ski mode can be disabled by service, then it also means the mode can be re-enabled through some software interface available with the service groups.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: BigWayne