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24 June 2004 - 06:21 PM
i have a 95 speedster i think one of the the throtle controls are sticking or maybe its the cable itself or maybe the arm on the carb i just dont know but what it is doing is one motor is always about 1000 rpm more than the other.one throtle control is real easy to operate and the other one seams like its sticky or something because if i have both throtles even im about a 1000 over on one motor so i barely tap on the sticky one and my rpms start climbing rapidly like its stuck or something.can anyone tell me if they have had this problem or how to fix it i would greatly appreciate it thanks.
95 speedster
31 May 2004 - 03:06 PM
i have a 95 speedster with twin 85s .it seems like when i put a load on the boat on take off at full throtle one engine is taching out alot higher than the other one.its like its spininning out or something.could this be cavatation or is it maybe a drive shaft. i had the pump rebuilt last season with a new wear ring.it revs to about 7000 and one is about 4000.when i was drive at full speed sometimes it would tach way up bye itself and i would have to pull back on the throttle to even it up with the other one.i hope someone else has had this problem please let me know the solution before i rip this thing down thanks.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: blade_47714