I would like to do a compression test on my 2001 Seadoo CHallenger 2000 with the Mercury M2 240 EFI engine. I just had the head seals replaced and I would like a baseline to monitor going forward. I have the service manual and their directions which include:
1. Removing plugs
2. Putting in compression tester
3. Turning over 4 times
4. Comparing results between cylinders.
My question is do you need to disconnect the ignition or fuel first before turning over the engine? Can I just use the key or do I need to rig a switch to the starter itself? Nothing is mentioned about this that I have seen. Also, do all 6 plugs need to be out at once or just pull one and check that cylinder, than repeat for the other 5? Any help from someone who has done this before would be appreciated. Thanks.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: suwaneega
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Suwanee, GA
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Lake Lanier
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Challenger 2000
Engine in DOO
Mercury Mē Jet Drive 240 EFI
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Brent Hamil
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Compression test on Mercury M2 240 EFI
21 August 2011 - 04:46 PM
Water in Cylinders of Mercury M2 240 hp
27 July 2011 - 08:55 AM
I have recently purchased a 2001 Sea Doo Challenger 2000 with the Mercury M2 240HP V-6. Everything worked fine on the test drive. Now I am unable to start the boat. Initially, it would crank but not fire. Then it stopped cranking, and I figured that I had killed the battery. Upon charging, the boat will still not crank. It is now at the shop. They say it needs a starter relay, which is on order. They have also told me "the other concern they have, is the cylinders are full of water as well as water in the fuel." When the relay comes in they are going to do a compression check. The tank was drained and cleaned prior to me purchasing the boat, and the compression tested good.
What could be the cause of water in the cylinders and fuel? What am I potentially looking at to correct this issue? Any help would be appreciated as I wait to hear back from the dealer...
What could be the cause of water in the cylinders and fuel? What am I potentially looking at to correct this issue? Any help would be appreciated as I wait to hear back from the dealer...
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: suwaneega