I installed Bennett Tabs on my Speedster 3 years ago and reported on it extensively on this website. If you do a trim tab search, you'll find it as well as other information.Has anyone tried Trim Tabs on a Speedster. My lake is very rough and I would like to see if I could cruse under 35 MPH. At least when my wife is on board.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
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In Topic: Trim Tabs
13 May 2006 - 05:01 AM
In Topic: Trim Tabs Installed
12 September 2005 - 06:43 PM
Thumps,still dont understand why you guys fir trim tabs to seadoos -
on larger boats trim tabs are used (not exclusively) to offset the effect of windage on the hull - in small boats its more important to get the weight distribution correct as windage on these boats will be minimal - 40lbs of anchor chain in the wrong place will make my sporster list at wot.
It's not about listing. Any boat can use some sort of trim system. Smaller outboards are trimmed with the engine. Jetboats propulsion is fixed much like a fixed prop boat (as opposed to an i/o) and could benefit from tabs. Basically what they do for me is smooth out the ride in choppy water. If the water is calm I don't need tabs. If I want to jump waves or wakes, I don't need tabs. But if I have a particularly whiney passenger (read spouse), who bellows at every bump, I need tabs. They allow me to travel faster in choppy water without being bounced around. If I start to porpoise, a touch of the tabs will stop it. They allow me to get up on plane faster. They allow me to stay on plane at 18 mph.
For me, the investment was well worth the few dollars it cost. It's allowed me to use the boat in much choppier water than I normally would. Again, my boat never lists...it's not about listing.
In Topic: Speedometer
08 August 2005 - 05:09 AM
Jake,The problem however is the speedometer. It will top out at about 45 mph but will on ocassion jump to the mid 50's. It feels like I'm going very fast but the speedo normally says otherwise. Is there any type of test or adjustment I can try to correct this?
Check this out and borrow someone's GPS for a day.
In Topic: Electrical Problems
17 June 2005 - 05:22 AM
You have a different engine. The 240 EFI is 240 HP. The Opti comes with either 250 or 210 HP.I'm having some problems with the nav lights on a '00 1800 that i just bought.. the owners manual is no help. does anyone have wiring schematics or service manual they are willing to share.. also am a little confused ...see alot about a 240 efi ..i'm assuming that's a 240 hp i was told mine is a 210..can someone clarify.
As for the electrical problem, do all the other electricals (horn, blower, bilge pump etc.) function normally?
In Topic: leaving boat in water
12 June 2005 - 04:54 AM
Thumps,i am aware of osmosis with grp hulls but im worried that it maybe a little quicker with doo's - i dont want to antifoul it etc etc - do you see my dilemma.....
The issue has been osmosis. However, if I recall, it seems to rear its ugly head when you leave it in the water for lengthy periods of time (not 2 or 3 days). You apparently begin to get tiny blisters in the gelcoat that are filled with water...not good.
It also doesn't seem to effect everyone, but I think that I'd be inspecting my hull if I left it in the water for lengthy periods of time.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
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