Today I took, my 2009 150 Speedster out. I have the 155hp engine. I was in neutral and slowly trying to get to the sandy shore so the kids could get out and play. I got into some mud and wasn't able to make it all the way to shore. I turned around and powered out instead of getting out and pushing the boat into deeper water first. After getting out of the mud, I can not go much above 3000 RPMs. If I do, it is excessively loud and I have no power.
My first thought was that I sucked something up and broke a blade off the impeller. I went about 5 mph all the way back to the ramp. When I got home I looked and there was a piece of wood about the size of a mulch chip stuck between the impeller and the wear ring. I pulled what I could out by hand. Then I flushed the engine and it appears it all came out. However the impeller blades are all rough around the edges and the wear ring seems to be pretty scratched up.
Should I get the impeller and wear ring replaced? If so, how much does a dealer typically charge for this?
I may do it myself, but I don't have the extra time right now. Would that small wood chip keep me from going faster than 5-6 mph? The engine would rev up higher, but it just made a bunch of noise and didn't really go any faster.