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- Active Posts 14
- Profile Views 6,604
- Member Title Novice
- Age 60 years old
- Birthday July 18, 1964
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Year of DOO
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Sportster 4-TEC SCIC
Engine in DOO
Rotax 4-TEC SCIC
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David Goodman
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Bazooka Sub and Tower Speakers...soon
29 August 2005 - 02:53 PM
Thumper, did you install the Riva kits, ifso how much of a change can you notice?

In Topic: Whats up at Hydroturf?
27 July 2005 - 11:47 AM
Still waiting for my samples
, called Hydroturf the other day and asked to speak to Laurel. I was told she was busy and that samples had been sent, but couldn't tell me if mine was one. 6 weeks is a long time to wait
. I was wondering if anyone had the gray turf and if it gets dirty under normal use, the black looks great but was just curious what the sportster would lloo like in gray.

In Topic: Sportser seats and mirror
14 July 2005 - 09:18 AM
I found the mirror at Overtons for $36

In Topic: Whats up at Hydroturf?
13 July 2005 - 05:28 PM
I saw Thumper's pic's, that what got me interested in it. I just wanted to have a piece in my hands and was wondering maybe getting the gray instead of the black because of the heat. I was also wondering how it cleans up and the about durability.From what I gather everyone is liking it. I should see my kit next week and hope to install it before my big outing. There are some very detailed pictures that Thumper posted a while ago if you were wanting to see what it looked like on our boats or up close. Just do a search for his posts by name and modify the start date to 1 year ago; that should be plenty to pick up the topic he posted. I'm sure others will chime in soon...
-D Lo
In Topic: Prototype for a New Jetboat???
30 June 2005 - 07:47 AM
I want one

- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Goody