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Dilworth, MN
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Minnesota.. Land of 10,000 Landings and Sandbars
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Challenger X
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Mercury Mē Jet Drive 240 EFI
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Mark Lawson
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#72531 Red River Catfishing July 2012 Highlight Reel
Posted by biffdotorg
on 03 August 2012 - 09:42 AM
I wanted you guys to see how good the catfishing has been this July! Of course cruising the river in a 20ft SeaDoo is a blast in itself. It's not ideal, but it works pretty well.
#71873 Docking troubles
Posted by biffdotorg
on 29 May 2012 - 03:26 PM
Hwkeye has it nailed down.
Each boat is a bit different, but he is right. If there is nobody at the helm, that engine should be off. If you want it to sit still with the engine on, you will play a little game with the F-N-R lever to keep it still. It can be done, but someone needs to be working it constantly to make it happen.
Good luck with the practice. Find an object in open water and work your boat around it. Throw a big beach ball out and try maneuvering around it at idle speed. It will be great practice for you when you go into dock. Most have found the ability to pull safe 180's and side moves in tight spaces once you know the limitations of the boat.
Have fun!
Each boat is a bit different, but he is right. If there is nobody at the helm, that engine should be off. If you want it to sit still with the engine on, you will play a little game with the F-N-R lever to keep it still. It can be done, but someone needs to be working it constantly to make it happen.
Good luck with the practice. Find an object in open water and work your boat around it. Throw a big beach ball out and try maneuvering around it at idle speed. It will be great practice for you when you go into dock. Most have found the ability to pull safe 180's and side moves in tight spaces once you know the limitations of the boat.
Have fun!
- Stef likes this
#34169 Off-season discussion
Posted by biffdotorg
on 30 September 2011 - 09:33 AM
Winter Mods/projects and snowmobiling!!! WOO WOO! Bring on the snow!
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