WOW. Looks awesome. Great job. Thanks for sharing and posting pics.
Where did you mount the amp?
Are you running 2 batteries?
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Redrooster
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- Active Posts 9
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- Member Title Novice
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Manitoba, Canada
Previous Fields
Year of DOO
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Challenger 180 SE
Engine in DOO
Rotax 4-TEC SCIC
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Real Name
Robin Sawchuk
Portage la Prairie
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: New mods to my C180
06 November 2011 - 10:17 PM
In Topic: Another C180 with cavitation problems
31 August 2011 - 07:29 AM
Since the last post they have replaced the wear ring and that made no difference. They took the pump apart again and could not find anything wrong anywhere. So they told me that there was nothing they could do and sent me on my way with the boat. I called the brp cust service # and put in a claim. They told me to take the boat back in and give them the claim # and have the dealer call them. So I did. Mean while I also got in touch with the sales manager and he has pushed on service to get the boat fixed. They had another 2010 c180 with a 215 there that they let me take out and try And that boat launched faster and harder than my 255. It didn't cavitate at all. So they put the pump out of that boat in to mine to see if that would fix it but it didnt. I took mine out last night after they did the swap and it still hits the rev limited like crazy when I try to launch it hard but has great mid range and top end. So I dropped it back off and am waiting to hear what they will say today.
In Topic: Another C180 with cavitation problems
02 August 2011 - 10:30 PM
Took the boat back to the dealer again today. They still have not come up with a solution. They are going to take it to another dealership that has more experience with boats than they do. They primarily deal with quads and snowmobiles and have another dealership for the boats so they are going to send it into them.
Ill let you know if they come up with a fix.
I found this on you tube. not my video but it gives you an idea of what cavitation is. Mine cavitates a lot worse than this boat does.
Have a look:
Youtube cavitation video
Ill let you know if they come up with a fix.
I found this on you tube. not my video but it gives you an idea of what cavitation is. Mine cavitates a lot worse than this boat does.
Have a look:
Youtube cavitation video
In Topic: Another C180 with cavitation problems
02 August 2011 - 10:23 PM
I have an 08 and don't think I have any problems. What exactly does it do when it cavitates?
If you quickly push the throttle all the way to the wide open position from idle the engine hits the rev limiter and the boat doesnt accelerate. I can only open it up about 1/2 throttle or else it cavitates and then I have to back off the throttle and start again.
Thanks to the few of you that stepped up and responded that your boat works the way its supposed to.
In Topic: Another C180 with cavitation problems
29 July 2011 - 12:27 PM
Thanks for the feedback Kevin.
So you could be at a dead stop and snap the throttle wide open and it wouldnt cavitate?
So you could be at a dead stop and snap the throttle wide open and it wouldnt cavitate?
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Redrooster