Thanks Kevin and Seadoofanatic. Sorry for the late reply I have been busy at work and have been reading a lot to learn the MPEM/ ECM & DESS systems. They are all interconnected. I had hoped the first dealer did not hook up correctly and that it was just a bad key. When putting the key on the post the magnet makes the connection in the MPEM as I hear a relay click inside of it and the guages on the dash light up so there is part of a connection. There has to be another connection when the key code is recognized either by the MPEM or the ECM- I`m not sure which. I do not know which unit holds the key codes in memory- the ECM on the engine or the MPEM. So I started thinking if the key codes are lost all I may have to do is have the boat keys reprogrammed. So I was excited about this and went to another dealer to connect to their BUDS, hoping the first dealer had missed the key problem. They showed a connection to the boat but there was an error and that is all the further we got. We could not read any data. There is no bench test for either the MEPEM or ECM. The dealer said they would try a known working MPEM to start but they will still have to reprogram my keys if the MPEM is replaced. I am more suspect of the ECM as that seems to me to be where the boats info and key codes would be stored in memory, but I may be incorrect. So I am still looking for answers before buying the new MPEM at 262.00 or 750.00 for a new ECM. Any and all help is greatly appreciated- MarkMark, thanks for the update. It might be a good idea to take your boat back to the local dealer - they might have to hook it back up to the B.U.D.S. system to see what is really going on.
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- Age 63 years old
- Birthday April 14, 1961
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In Topic: 2005 Sportster Problem.....One Beep Only
18 October 2010 - 11:34 PM
In Topic: 2005 Sportster Problem.....One Beep Only
04 October 2010 - 02:20 AM
Thanks for the reply. I had found the warning beep explanation from the manual too but the beep doesn`t occur when putting the lanyard on. When first putting on the lanyard you get speedo and tach energizing and warning/ check engine guage lights then all shut down, then after that maybe 5 seconds later the one long beep occurs. I`ve tried both lanyards and they both do the same thing so I think it is recognizing the lanyards but something serious is wrong. Thanks for the help, you have a great website. Hopefully someone on here has had a similar problem and can help.
Mark -GigHarborPWC
Mark -GigHarborPWC
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