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- → Viewing Profile: Topics: breit
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- Member Title Novice
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Twin 85hp Rotax (720)
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reverse now working
12 July 2010 - 06:11 PM
buddy who had it b4 me bolted stainlless plates on both exit ports of the reverse buckets ?? removed them now have reverse wha whooooo.......i suspect maybe he used them as restricter plates for fishing ?????? have you come across this b4?
finally have reverse
09 July 2010 - 05:33 PM
after looking at the reverse bucket i finally spotted the problem ..... the last owner put 2 stainless plates on each outside exit ports ....... took them off and now have reverse......the only thing i can think is he put them there for restricter plates for fishing ???.......anyway problem solved.
reverse still not working ?
26 June 2010 - 07:28 AM
i adjusted both reverse gates so they are just touching the steering linkage, and still not reversing ? it will hold the boat but not reversing , what am i doing wrong ?
14 or 150 ????
12 June 2010 - 05:43 AM
not sure if I have a 14 or 150 speedster, its a 1996 speedster with twin rotax with reverse observation seat, lookin to buy a binimmi top ,if someone can help me thanks.
Reverse Not Working
28 May 2010 - 06:25 AM
reverse not working ? 1996 speedster, gates come down, but it does not reverse, am i doing something wrong? does something need adjustment?
thanks if someone could help me
thanks if someone could help me
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: breit