Had her out over the Memorial Day weekend and had a bad day...still better than a good day at work....

Wasn't paying attention as I was retreiving my 4 yr old grandson from the tube (which he was NOT impressed with) and wound up sucking the tow rope up into the intake....yeah yeah, turn the frigging motor off any time you stop, especially when towing....I knew that....luckily it just wrapped around the impeller shaft, so after a limp back in to the ramp and a little quick knife work, we were back out on the water.....albeit with a somewhat shorter tow rope.....
Then I wound up smacking the dock with the starboard bow and taking a small chunk out of the gel coat....I really need to practice close-in maneuvers....especially that backing thing where everything goes the opposite way you expect it to......
Anyway, bought some gel coat patch at West Marine...hopefully it works and isn't TOO noticeable....my biggest concern is getting water down under the gel coat layer and having it de-laminate.......
I attached a couple of pics of the ding, in case anyone is interested....I'll try to get some during- and after-pics to show how it turns out.