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cedar creek
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110hp Rotax (800)
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Topics I've Started
Fuel Valve
27 June 2010 - 06:35 AM
I wasn`t looking forward to the task of cleaning the fuel select valve located below controls[driver side].I`ve read enough on the subject to understand it needed to be done.The valve came out easily[wasn`t tough at all,had to raise controls]pulled it back to engine compartment.The fuel lines are original[for boats not grey like pwc`s],but were still flexable and showing no signs of decay[replace this winter]. Blowing through with carb cleaner,I thought I had it clean.There is a small screw on side of valve that I was eyeing,not being one to take apart what doesn`t need to,I got the courage up to pull valve apart. Glad I did,came apart easy and was full of 13 seasons of trash.My fuel pump will thank me,also I`ve been chasing a lean condition on my pto side jug,should solve the problem.If you are thinking of carb rebuild MOST definitly include this simple valve cleaning. Craig
rave bellows
15 May 2010 - 04:58 AM
Do most who have a rave 2 stroker put a zip tye on the small end of the bellow to keep it in place.I had read some where that you should and it is raining in ol'texas this weekend.Good time to do the little extras.
787 oil pump
15 May 2010 - 04:53 AM
Alignment marks on the oil pump are alittle hard to see,the manuel shows the lever mark but the stationary mark(on pump housing) seems to be a hole or small bore.I have it set alittle rich which is better then lean(plug chopping).Any thoughts
787 compression
15 May 2010 - 04:27 AM
My 97 challenger (single) compression is running at 130psi on both cylinder,when is the correct time to consider a top end rebuild.A know it all at work says its hard on the crank and should be repaired soon or risk a complete rebuild.Runs great as is,any thought.
Solas XO
15 May 2010 - 01:50 AM
Greetings all,first post, I added a Solas XO to my 97 (single) Challenger this spring. Made it to the lake(cedar creek,east of Dallas) last weekend.It made a big difference,Having already sealed the shoe and a new wear ring,the 16.5-24.5 ratio seemed to make up for the pump limitations that the singles have.Big improvement over stock,any thoughts? I`ve been lurking on this forum for awhile and have used the tips& tricks that I read here. Thanks
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Rave1