Sounds like typical cavitation. Im guessing your wear ring or impeller is shot.
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Northern KY
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Twin 110hp Rotax (800)
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In Topic: Boat runs and moves slowly but won't accelerate?
14 May 2013 - 12:29 PM
In Topic: 1998 Speedster SK Closed Bow Question
07 May 2013 - 04:41 PM
Terri, i know this is a little late but maybe it will help in the future. Here is your cover on my 98 Speedster. I sold it and it just left my house finally a few days ago so i cant look, but if my memory is correct, the front pole is in the walkway area between the 2 windshields...thats what it looks like in the pic too.
I replaced this boat with a Speedster 200. I had you ship the cover to TX back in March. The boat was towed to me in KY 1500 miles with the cover on and im happy to report it arrived safe and sound. The cover got a lot of bugs on it but it looks new still. Thanks again!!!!
In Topic: Replacement seats for 2006 C180
28 April 2013 - 01:36 PM
Do you need the whole seat cushion and all or just new vinyl? Usually its better to find a decent local shop to just redo the vinyl. There is also a site that specializes in sea doo seats.
In Topic: 210 SP Tower Height
18 April 2013 - 01:07 PM
Im no help...just wanna say im jealous...thats a sweet boat.
In Topic: New battery discharged using the boat
17 April 2013 - 06:57 PM
I would check all cables, especioally around the terminals for broken wires or corrosion.
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: RFoster130