I have noticed the boat is quieter, less vibration. And the feel on your feet is pretty amazing, it's like a foot massage. One thing I hated about the boat was how dirty the floor got from almost anything. This stuff keeps so clean it's like a new boat every time I look at it. Instead of scrubbing the floor with a brush I just hose it off. Couldn't be happier with it. Don't know why hydro-turf isn't standard on these boats. The grip is unbelievable.
A few tips that worked well for me (thanks everyone for the tips btw). Work one piece at a time. Clean the section, position the piece with the backing still on (I actually made a few pencil marks to keep it easier for myself). After putting it down a few times to get a feel for it, I just peeled back the front edge of the backing about 1 - 2 inches and set the front of the piece in place. Then when you lay the rest of the piece back you don't have to worry about it sticking down. When I was sure it was right, I just slowly peeled the rest of the backing away little by little while pressing down until it was all installed. I also bought a 3" laminate roller which helped make sure everything was tacked down paying special attention to the edges. I had two small air bubbles on one of the bigger pieces and just took a pin to the side of them and then put some pressure down on it.....problem solved (thanks for that tip as well people). I have step by step pics if anyone wants them but figured there were a few on here already. Thanks for all the tips, made it a lot easier.
I cannot emphasize how happy I am with the hydro-turf.
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