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- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Dale180se
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- Member Title Novice
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Georgian Bay
Year of DOO
Model of DOO
Challenger 180 SE
Engine in DOO
Rotax 4-TEC 1503
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Topics I've Started
10 September 2008 - 12:35 PM
I just want to say that this computer has not saved me any money! When I first purchased my first computer last fall, About a month later I bought the Doo. Now I found E-Bay in the last week. Iv bought a Bow and cockpit cover at a great deal! I might add. OEM $149.00, Sea-doo jetski, Grip tape, I-pod, and a Sea-doo banner and im on the block for a RC boat. Wheres this all stop! Has anyone else have this problem!
Its true what they say! SC washers
05 September 2008 - 12:45 PM
I was out doing a couple of power turns and I noticed I could only do 6500RPM. Went home pulled hose. SC Washers were gone. Time for washer up grade. The way I see it if your doos SC washer are still good your not riding it hard, Or my BRP dealer put synthetic oil in it at 10hrs service? Is there a way of telling synthetic oil from 4 stroke oil? Going to get Doo fixed ASAP! The season just started for me it seems 30hrs. Did I say I hate snow?
Sqweeky steering wheel
03 September 2008 - 07:37 AM
Has anyone else have a sqweeky steering wheel?? This is very annouying when approching the dock. Just wondering what could be done. Thanks!
Gas cans
29 August 2008 - 09:40 AM
Hi everyone! Just wondering if its illegal to add gas at the docks with 5gal cans?? Or do you have to be at an approved filling station? Last weekend came to the dock all I could smell was gas!!! Looked over Guy using 5gal can. Loaded the Doo and another guy with 5 -5gal can in his trunk of car. Theses cans leak if not new or properly maintained! Thanks!
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Dale180se