I have recently reupholstered my rear bottom seat (the large piece). I used one large piece of vinyl, staples, and a hair dryer. The seat used to be grey....but I changed it to yellow (i think it will take sun better). Took me about a day...patience..and sore fingers. Anyway it turned out great!!! So nice in fact I did the rounded spotter seat also. The small square center of the seats were in good shape...but they were yellow and didnt match the yellow I reupholstered with. So I painted them with vinyl paint. The paint is used in the automotive industry. I also used a bonding primer (clear). The paint seems to work 'ok'...not perfect. Not much flaking after use, but needed touchup. Its worth a try and its only been on for a few weeks.
I plan on doing the top portion of the rear seats / arm rests. Does anybody know how to get the top of the back seat out? There seems to be screws where the arm rests are also....how do you get those out?
If you need any pointers on how to get the other seats out, or paint, or want some pics of mine...just ask.
Member Since 13 Aug 2004Offline Last Active Dec 27 2004 09:27 PM