I guess we can compare pricing.
I use Wolverine insurance: http://www.wolverinemutual.com/
It is $185 per year for something like $7000 on the boat, plust the trailer,and another $1500 for "unattached equipment"
JONW9- Thanks for sharing!!
gotmdx hasn't added any friends yet.
06 May 2009 - 01:06 AM
I guess we can compare pricing.
I use Wolverine insurance: http://www.wolverinemutual.com/
It is $185 per year for something like $7000 on the boat, plust the trailer,and another $1500 for "unattached equipment"
06 May 2009 - 01:03 AM
But the loss of the boat isn't what you should be most worried about. You need some liability coverage on the water. Heaven forbid the worst happens, and somebody gets injured, you need to make sure you have your hind quarters covered.
I also have an umbrella policy in addition to all my individual policies.
I just found out there is a large marine insurance company just down the road from me: http://www.worldwidemarineins.com/
I have no idea how good they are, or their prices.
28 April 2009 - 08:42 PM
I have a 2006 Challenger SC, and when I got it the fuses and markings were wrong for the blower, radio, and 12v accessory plug in. I had to go through and mark them correctly and put the right size fuses in. This may be your problem!?!
28 April 2009 - 08:34 PM
Glad you had a good day on the water, we have yet to get ours out of the garage. Looking forward to doo'ing it soon though. Once we get it out I will see if I can see if those fuses are missing for us.
15 March 2009 - 11:18 AM
I would also have a spare set of plugs handy just to be safe
have fun