Thanks for thinking of me. Yes, I still have this brand new Utopia 205 cover for sale. I am taking offers at this point.Still have the cover or did you sell it?
Just wanted to bring this post back to the top in case someone with a U-Boat might have missed.
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Mercury Mē Jet Drive 240 EFI
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In Topic: Utopia 205 cover for sale
29 August 2004 - 09:04 PM
In Topic: hows the wake?
25 July 2004 - 09:03 AM
Regarding wakeboarding behind the SeaDoos. We just sold our Utopia 205 beacause the wake wasn't there. If your main concern is the quality of wake behind the boat, the X does not compare to what you are use to behind the Mastercraft. These are 2 very differant boats with differant puposes. The jets are great fun but, do not fill the role for boarding. I just joined this forum and saw you post. I hope this gets to you before you commit to the X.I have a sportster 4tec and i love the jet propulsion boats, however, i have been wakeboarding behind mastercrafts for a long time and the wake on the 4tec is pointless... i know the challenger x has a 600 lb fat sac and i was wondering if anyone could tell me how its wake compares to a mastercrafts wake... because that is the determining factor for whether i buy it or not... i asked my local doo dealer and he wasn't able to tell me so lets here it
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: tosa101