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Speedster 160
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Mercury Mē Jet Drive 240 EFI
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In Topic: Finally got an owner's manual for my '00 Speedster
21 July 2004 - 06:41 AM
Sorry about the dumbass rant on tcw-3. I swore I saw threads on the "other" 240efi forum that mentioned people were paying $30 for tcw-3, so I assumed it was Bombardier packaged. Obviously, I was wrong, and they were griping about the price of Rotax oil. As Emily Littella used to say, "Oh. OK then....never mind.
In Topic: Finally got an owner's manual for my '00 Speedster
20 July 2004 - 10:37 AM
DUMBASS ALERT! I didn't know exactly where to post this, but when I hear of 240 EFI owners buying Sea-Doo TCW-3 oil for $30 a gallon, I have to laugh & choke at the same time! Listen closely......ALL TCW-3 2-STROKE OIL MEETS THE EXACT SAME SPECS AS ANYTHING BOMBARDIER SELLS ! Think 87 octane gas would be better if sold by Sea-Doo for $10.00 a gallon? THIS IS EXACTLY HOW MUCH MORE YOU ARE PAY FOR THEIR TCW-3 OIL ! Get this.....WalMart sells their Super Tech brand (made by Pennzoil), stating on the front of the gallon jug that it exceeds Mercury standards for TCW-# oil. IT SELLS FOR LESS THAN $6 A GALLON !!! I have used this exclusively in my 2000 speedster 240 EFI for 120 hrs. with absolutely great results. as a matter af fact, my Speedster seems to go a helluva lot faster than most of the postings I've read. No GPS readings, but the speedo @ full throttle w/driver only reads 62 MPH on smooth H2O with 3/4 tank of gas. NO BULL! FOR CRAP SAKE, QUIT BUYING THAT SPENDY BOMBADIER SNAKE OIL & SAVE SOME FRIGGIN' CASH ! THEY'RE PROBABLY PACKAGING PENNZOIL LIKE WALMART IS, EXCEPT THEY'RE TURNING A 500% PROFIT OR EVEN MORE !
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: BILL SCHNEIDER