short block (empty) priced out at $6000.00 add pistons, crank, etc. add another $3000.00 plus labour. merc is out to lunch with their pricing. insurer has agreed to pay full amount less $100.00. these are canadian dollars. the dealer will bebuild engine using new block and internall pieces as well as my parts, fuel ,heads, elect. etc. everyone should think twice before purchassing a merc. EFI 240Good news, thanks for keeping us in the loop!
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In Topic: BLOWN ENGINE 240EFI (2002)
31 October 2004 - 10:02 AM
In Topic: BLOWN ENGINE 240EFI (2002)
15 October 2004 - 05:05 PM
In Topic: BLOWN ENGINE 240EFI (2002)
01 October 2004 - 10:41 AM
i would like to post on the canadian site, (how)You can post the name of that site-- I promise we won't say anything.....Good luck and keep us posted as to the cause of the failure and if the extended warranty underwriter will do the right thing. You might also post this on the Canuck website.
In Topic: BLOWN ENGINE 240EFI (2002)
01 October 2004 - 10:39 AM
i have dealt with dealers mostly in northern ontario, (sault) were i;am from. i relocated to london 4 years ago, my son found this boat on a web site, we checked it out, it looked fine, had a start problem that was hard to find. i brought it to 4 dealers in the london and niagara area no luck and i found all of the dealers were unfimiliar with jet boats and the 240efi engine. i fixed the problem myself. but to get back to your question about percision, i found them to be helpfull and willing to work with me thru any problems, i had it winterized there last season. i keep the boat in the niagara area and boat on lake ontario. hopes this helpsWhat's your experience been with Precision Power Sports in Sarnia ?.
I have a 2002 speedster with a 240 efi, took it out for our last ride of the season last week and the engine just stopped, would not turn over. lifted engine cover and found ball bearings and part of a cast housing laying in the engine compartmant, felt around and found the break at the front (bow) of the engine below the crank support. the boat is now at precision sports in sarina, ontario. will keep everyone posted on the outcome once i find out. i had approx. 70 hrs running time on this boat, dealer warranty was up after 1 year but i purchase and additional 3yr warranty, wish me luck :
I'm considering purchasing my next boat from them.
In Topic: 2000 speedsteer
12 August 2004 - 02:56 PM
when not if you get it running, will you please post how, intersted to knowThanks for the heads up!
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