210SP! Sounds great, I am wondering how many HP you have hitting 60 mph? Appreciate the feedback.
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In Topic: Possible 2012 210 SP Purchase
27 May 2014 - 07:36 PM
In Topic: Possible 2012 210 SP Purchase
26 May 2014 - 09:43 PM
Justin, wow thanks for the prompt reply and the video. Looks like a great boat. Glad to hear that 310 HP is plenty. I guess it's a matter of getting out and looking at boats. Thanks again and if I have any other questions I will ask for sure.
In Topic: Possible 2012 210 SP Purchase
25 May 2014 - 11:37 PM
Sorry another question I missed. What is the likely top speed with this engine configuration? We usually have 3 to 5 people in the boat. Thanks again in advance.
In Topic: BRP stop buiding boats
29 September 2013 - 03:16 PM
Just a few points. Kevin, you come across as one of the most knowledgable people posting here so I mean no disrespect by this post; just a few points to ponder.
The Glastron boat is is beyond ugly and misses the advantage of having a jet drive and small engine footprint and what it can mean to interior design and space.
I am sorry to see the 195 for Scarab only has a single engine option. Having driven both singles and doubles the double engine makes water sports such as wake boarding and skiing a better experience; I am guessing by the tower and the design that is the target of the 195 HO. I look forward to the larger boats but the price point should be interesting.
Competing dealers in markets who handle Chaparrals or Rec Holdings products actually complicates the servicing issue and gives the potential to fracture who works on what. The BRP dealers who bring in one of the "new" boats have a leg up as far as I am concerned. What could be devastating to BRP dealers is what if the other guys across town from the BRP dealer provides better service than the BRP dealer and people start taking their CanAm, Skidoo, etc. products with Rotax engines to the "new" dealer? Good for the consumer,; not good for the dealer/ service department.
I am missing your point on unqualified dealers as in my part of the world in Canada all of the dealers are also BRP dealers; maybe just around here.
Just a few points to ponder.
In Topic: Interesting Rumor?
27 September 2013 - 06:25 PM
Close but no cigar. Sea Ray came out with the Jet 21 boat which was internally developed and using Weber engines. They recently have been pulled before hitting the market.
Scarab, part of the Welland/Scarab family which includes Glasstron, bought the BRP hulls and have licensed the engines. Trying to revive the Scarab name as more than an offshore fishing boat. Google Scarab 195HO jet boat and you will see images and a promotional video (Facebook). The dash on both starboard and port side is obviously the BRP one. My dealer was at the dealer event two weeks ago where they saw the production model and rode in a preproduction model on the water. A 19 &1/2" as compared to the SeaDoo 18". Looks like single engine only for the 195. Look like decent boats but the larger ones should be even more interesting.
Glasstron also has one on their website and it is less than handsome or innovative.
Chaparral has also licensed the engines but are designing their own hulls.
Stay tuned as it should get interesting.
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
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