Hello, I recently bought a 1999 Seadoo Speedster SK for $4000. The previous owner let me test drive out and gave me ten days for a mechanic to check it out! First you should know this our first boat and we wanted a jet boat after doing some research. Do the mechanic looked it over and gave it a thumbs up. Said the compression was 145 all the way across the board said the chatting system was working and the boat was well taken care of. So we decide to take it put the other day for the first time. This is where it goes bad! So we start the launch and as I start the starboard engine a current starts to pull me out. So I go to push the shift lever to forward and nothing, can't budge it. I start to drift towards the dock now so know I'm worried. I push a little harder and then it happens.......SNAP!! Now I am still heading towards the dock but with my shift lever in my hand. I was able to get it back to the trailer with the help of another boater. I ordered a new shift lever for a hundred dollars and was hoping someone could help with the cable/gate issue. I took the broken lever off and was able to move the cable down a little but could not move it up. I'm not sure if the gates should be up or down with the cable pushed in at the lever assembly. I'm afraid that I have a cable issue and I won't know out until my new lever comes in. is there anyway to check without having the cable attached to the lever? Sorry for the long newbie post. Everyone seems so helpful do I figured I would ask. Thanks!
Member Since 01 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Apr 06 2012 07:36 PM