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Speedster 160
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Twin 85hp Rotax (720)
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In Topic: need help with 99 speedster sk
24 March 2006 - 08:46 PM
ok so can anyone else help i am doing all work except machining myself so just need to know what to look for elecrtical wise, i know that all of it is waterproff and the connections looked fined but how do i test the best way, will a test light work ok, or is ohm meter essential? here are some picture of engines that were under water and sat all winter, tell me what you think, i know they are sighlty dissassembled, just want overall idea of what some one thinks of condition... thanks guy.... jay
In Topic: need help with 99 speedster sk
23 March 2006 - 08:10 PM
ok thanks guys for help with the engine hatch, ifeel stupid because i was looking all over for the release ok so looks like i will have to rebuild the motors, so here is another question, can anyone recomend and rebuild shop or somewhere for me to trade in my old engines for new rebuilt ones? i have seen two places fairchild performance and atlantic jets about $800 a piece. also is it worth for me to just get a complete rebuild kit for around 400 a piece and have the engines machined locally, how much is all the machine work foe this? ok if any one can help it would be great. oh one last question can i put the 800 cc motor in and what else would i have to change?hi everybody im jay and im new here and looking for a little help. im buying a 99 speedster sk with twin rotax 720's. ok boy do i have alot of questions i hope some one can help. first off the boat was submerged completly and raise and put to salvage where im going to buy the boat looks in great shape but i need to know what to look for, i checked the connections under driver side compartment and they all looked clean. i could not open the engine hatch though. it lifts from the inside right? i think its filled with water or hydralics stuck, i dont know any ideas anybody? also once i get the hatch open i want to bring a new battery and check for power but where do i start and what are key things too look for? also someone said i do not have to repace motors just because they were submerged that i can flush and maybe restart, is this possible? also if i do replace or rebuild motors can i do it myself( first time with boats, many car engines done) with the seadooo dvd repair manual, i have not seen it yet but they say its really descriptive. ok thanks everybody and any help would be great... jay
- SeaDooSportBoats.com
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: picca00