To subscribe go here, http://seadoosportbo...ory/1-sdsb-club, or click on the 'Join the Club!' link in the top navigation bar of the website. Club Member Benefits
Exclusive Benefits
- Access to exclusive Shop Manuals, Part Catalogs, Tool Booklets, Specification Booklets, Racing Handbooks and more for your SeaDoo Sport Boat and/or SeaDoo PWC!
- Access to exclusive discounts from vendors on products such as Hydro-Turf and boat covers from Poppy Company!
- Access to our SDSB Club forum section, where you can learn and contribute with other SDSB Club members.
Optional e-mail address if you opt for this type of 'Subscription'- Member name will be displayed as followed: +Kevin Leclair
- Member details will show Group: +SDSB Club with SDSB Club icon
- Member name will be displayed in the 'SDSB Owner's Club' list (vs. 'Member' - Listed in standard member list)
- Can have a personal gallery? - Yes (vs. 'Member' - Not available, but will still be able to upload to the public gallery)
- Can upload a personal photo? - Yes (vs. 'Member' - Not available, but will still be able to link to a personal photo via an external url)
- Can edit own topic title & description? - Yes (vs. 'Member' - Not available)
- Can add events to the calendar? - Yes (vs. 'Member' - Not available)
- Personal Blog - Yes (vs. 'Member' - Not available)
- Maximum upload file size via post? - 50 MB (vs. 'Member' - 25 MB)
- Maximum number of storable private messages? - 50 (vs. 'Member' - 25)
- SDSB Club members selecting our Lifetime subscription will be sent a new t-shirt for FREE from our Gear!

Validity periods marked * at the time of subscription purchase indicate that purchasing this subscription is recurring. This means after the initial subscription period is complete, the subscription will automatically be renewed with a new charge via Paypal.
Please Note: Due to the nature of the services provided to SDSB Club members, there is a no-refund policy for all subscriptions. Prices subject to change without notice, recurring payments will remain the same price at time of initial subscription.
If you would like to cancel this subscription, log in to your PayPal account and go to the "History" subtab of the "My Account" tab. Choose "Subscriptions" from the pull-down "Show" menu and press the "Submit" button. Choose this subscription, and click on its "Details" link. You will be taken to a Transaction Details page from which you may cancel your subscription. Cancelling your subscription will immediately stop all future scheduled payments for this subscription. Please note: You cannot cancel your subscription from because of the way PayPal handles transactions, you can only cancel your subscription through PayPal.
Bandwidth restrictions
In order to maintain a better experience for all members on the website we have put bandwidth restrictions on downloading of manuals to conserve strain on the servers. Per active subscription you are allotted 3 simultaneous downloads and 10 downloads per month.
Account Overview
To review your purchase(s) to the SDSB Club, please go here http://seadoosportbo...&module=clients.
Link: Club Initial Discussion