The cable appears to be working but the cam it attaches to on the throttle body doesn't spring back very well. The manual calls for lubricating the throttle body and shows a little threaded Crome tube w a cap on it but there doesn't appear to be a way to get lubricant in this tube? Does anyone have any advice on what to try? Thanks in advance.

Throttle sticking on 2007 Seadoo Speedster 150
Started by U081480, Aug 04 2012 06:47 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:47 PM
Posted 06 August 2012 - 04:37 PM
I wouldn't use the luber hole anyway, you usually just wind up putting way too much lube in which can wipe out the throttle position sensor. The throttle position sensor is on the bottom of the throttle body so it can fill up with lube and damage it (been there, done that).
If it is the throttle body that is hanging up, take the inlet hose off and have a look inside, clean and lube if necessary just don't over do it with the cleaners and lube.
If it is the throttle body that is hanging up, take the inlet hose off and have a look inside, clean and lube if necessary just don't over do it with the cleaners and lube.
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