Hi, I recently got a 97 challenger 1800. It has the dual 787's. I took it out the other day and it seemed like I was getting less throttle from my left engine than the right. About a minute later without moving the throttle, my left engine accelerated to about the same as the right engine. This caused the boat to unexpectedly speed up and cought me off gaurd. What could cause such a long lag in the engine? I am new to the Seadoo boat scene so any help would be greatly appretiated.

97 Challenger 1800, engine lags and then takes off.
Started by doocrazy, Apr 24 2012 06:08 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 24 April 2012 - 06:08 PM
Posted 14 November 2014 - 11:31 PM
What you've described could be due to a number of items, but I would initially suggest checkig you're RAVE valves. Maybe one was stuck due to excessive carbon build up, keeping the valve from opening at WOT resulting in lower RPM. The sudden RPM bump could have come from the valve eventually opening.
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