Hey guys, I am brand new to the jetboating world. Last week we picked up a 96 speedster. Everything was pretty good on it so we decided to take it out for the 3rd time but this time on the Choppy St. Johns river in Orlando. Well it was doing great until we drifted into some bad weeds. We really starting getting into them so I got out the orr and moved back towards the center. Then I reved the engines up and tried to get as much propulsion as I could to get out to the center to unclog the impellers. We I get out most of it in the water. Then back to the launch to go under there and take care of the litte stuff. Well there is a plastic bag wrapped around the right engine. I take over the grate and I get the bag out. Drive it to a dockside bar for lunch then back on the the choppy water. We were getting the boat out of the water about every 5-10 seconds just having a blast. Engines we running great and then we were about 3 miles out and slam into a huge wave and cought some major air. The the right engine just revs....I put it into reverse and nothing. I hit the throttle and it revs all the way up to 6-7k. The forward again and does the same thing. I am getting no propulsion from the right engine. Anyway, my friend and I open the hatch and water is pouring in from underneath the driveshaft cover. I shut the engine down after I see this and we need to limp 3 miles with 4 people on board and a lot of gear in huge chops. GPS was indicating 6-7 miles per hour with one engine (left) running about 80-90%. I thought something is wrong with that engine too. There was some white smoke coming from it as it was having a tough time getting us in. Water was really filling up in the back as I couldnt see the purple canisters anymore. Boat was really starting to slow down to about 5 mph (GPS) and finnaly we got back. Took out the boat and drained it..water ruched out for 10 minutes streight. Head to the dealer and they said something about a carbon fiber gasket in the drive shaft which could go bad. I am looking at the right engine drive shaft and I can wiggle it from front to back. I took off the boot and now the F-N-R lever wont move. What do you guys think I did? Also what type of speed should the boat go with one engine. The left engine (the one that got us home) is much weaker than the other. It only revs to about 5k...I have no idea why. Boat GPS'd at 48.7 MPH on glass the other day. Any help would be greatful. I am glad I can join you guys in the discussion about these fun machines...

Help with 96 speedster
Started by speedsterjoe, Nov 01 2003 09:06 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 01 November 2003 - 09:06 PM
Posted 01 November 2003 - 09:20 PM
Too me it sounds like you slipped a driveshaft. I had a similar experience in my 240 EFI as far as how my boat was reacting, we thought I slipped a driveshaft but it turns out that I just sucked up a hat. I pulled the hat out and everything was fine. Check your grate real good and make sure you have nothing clogged up in the impeller because this could cause the boat to react this way. As far as you question about how fast the boat should run on one engine I am not sure about that one because I have never run a Sea Doo with two engines, hopefully someone else on the boards here can help you with this one. Anyways let me know how things go and welcome to the site!
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Posted 06 November 2003 - 09:26 PM
Wow, that's too bad. I hope they give you some kind of warranty if you bought the boat from a dealer. Sounds like you busted some sort of seal around the driveshaft or something. I wouldn't worry too much about the slow speed with one engine tho. With a full load and choppy like that you just never know what it will do. They don't run anywhere near as fast on one engine I know that. Glad you made it back to shore before flooding out the engines. I can't see how sucking in some weeds and a plastic bag could cause the seal to go bad either. But, I'm no mechanic that's for sure. Looking forward to hearing what exactly failed there.
Posted 08 November 2003 - 11:40 AM
Turns out that I broke all 4 engine mounts! The whole motor shifted up and caused the driveshaft to come out of the socket! This is why it wasnt doing anything. I just called the dealer and they said 195 in labor would be the charge and the parts are a $100 so for 300 I should have this boat working again. I hope I didnt mess up everything else.....
Posted 09 November 2003 - 05:31 PM
Well good luck and let us know how the repair turns out.
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Posted 09 November 2003 - 10:31 PM
Wow, motor mounts. That's amazing. I never would have thought you could break those. Sounds like a pretty good deal on the repair bill to me.
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