Ok.. So to start off WOW!!! This thing rocks.. It is a 2010 Speedster 150 w/ 155hp motor.. Its my very first boat and wow this thing moves.. Loaded it with me, my girl, my brother and his girl.. Close to 700lbs and the Sea-Doo speedo was reading 43-45 and never hit wide open throttle... Just tryign to break her in going through different rpm ranges and whatnot.. had her out for a little over 2hrs.. I must admit though that I made a total a$$ of myself at the loading ramp.. First time launching anything and well i got yelled at.. put her in the water and even in Neutral with 0 throttle this thing was getting 1800 rpms and was all over.. ended up turning around in the narrow strip and it looked like i was gonna hit the dock that people were standing on so i gave a little gas (BIG MISTAKE) and this thing just launched out of the little narrow strip.. of course i apologized to everyone and explained it was my first boat and very first time out on the water with anything like this.. Everyone seemed to cool down and one guy was just tellign me take it slow cuz these things just jump out like that with just a little gas.. But anyway.. Back to the questions...
1 - Noticed while I was out on the water that when I put the key in I would get the 2 beeps but I would also get 4 short beeps if I didnt start it right away.. I just caught a glimpse but i saw the dash light up SENSOR but then went and read compass readings.. Just wondering what this might be.. the book says it should just be that I left the key on and the boat is just trying to remind me to take it off but just seems odd since basically i put the key in get the 2 beeps and 2 seconds later i get 4 beeps.. and then the fact that it lit up SENSOR just had me confused..***May have answered my own question but was just reading the manual and see that if it lights up with SENSOR that it means there is an electronic sensor failure and to see a Sea-DOO dealer.. Now for a new part to this question.. Can the boat be used if there is a sensor failure.. Would kind of suck to not be able to use the boat tomorrow being that its one of the rare times that my girl has off of work on a monday and so do i...
2 - When you are done for the day I know they say to clean the boat but do you actually have to scrub it or will a simple hose down do just fine?? I was in salt water so I just want to make sure I do it right.. I mean I plan on going back out tomorrow but was just curious if I have to actually use a cleaning solution or if a simple hose down works fine...
3 - On to the most important.. Flushing.. Manual says to hook the hose up wihtout letting water out.. start engine.. let water run.. throttle to 4-5k rpm.. turn water off... turn engine off.. I did all that and it looked like ti was working fine.. Question is this.. Is it normal for it to smoke out the back?? I stood behind to make sure everythign looked good and the water shooting out was very hot and there was smoke coming from the rear.. Like I said.. First boat ever so just want to make sure I am doing it all right.. Thanks

Took the boat out for first time today... Got Questions...
Started by Jason, Jul 04 2010 10:32 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 04 July 2010 - 10:32 PM
Posted 09 July 2010 - 07:51 AM
Glad to here about your first outing, yeah the trick to these boats is feather the throttle! At most times around docks you don't even need any throttle just put the boat in forward and that will be enough to get you over to the dock on a calm day.
1. Those beeps sound normal, our 180 Challenger does the same thing. That is right about it reminding you the key is still connected, we typically pull ours off every time we stop to prevent the annoying reminder.
2. In fresh water you should be okay with just simply spraying it down, but I would wash it occasionally. If it is salt water then I would recommend washing it with soap and water thoroughly after every outing, also flush it after every outing.
3. A little bit of smoke should be fine, the trick here is too follow the manual to the "T" - don't run it out of the water for long periods of time. Make sure to follow the correct sequence which it sounds like you did.
Congrats on the new doo, keep us posted on future outings!
1. Those beeps sound normal, our 180 Challenger does the same thing. That is right about it reminding you the key is still connected, we typically pull ours off every time we stop to prevent the annoying reminder.
2. In fresh water you should be okay with just simply spraying it down, but I would wash it occasionally. If it is salt water then I would recommend washing it with soap and water thoroughly after every outing, also flush it after every outing.
3. A little bit of smoke should be fine, the trick here is too follow the manual to the "T" - don't run it out of the water for long periods of time. Make sure to follow the correct sequence which it sounds like you did.
Congrats on the new doo, keep us posted on future outings!
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