97 Speedster, rattling from one jet pump or engine?
Posted 28 July 2009 - 06:01 AM
P.S. Had a flooded engine compartment a few days ago, removed + changed plugs, cranked engines to get all water out. Lubricated engines, put plugs in, and after a few tries they started up fine. I'm just worried because I don't remember this rattling noise before this happened. But then again I just got the boat and it's the 1st time I go behind the boat when started out of water.
Thanks for any comments. i have an appointment at the local Sea-Doo shop, but just basically wondering if the noise is normal, and if it would be safe to put it in water tonight and run the engines to test.
Posted 28 July 2009 - 12:00 PM

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 12:55 PM
Kevin Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Hi, short story is I started each engine individually hooked up to a hose. Both engines sound fine, but when one of them was running there was terrible rattling noise coming from rear of boat. I've read it can be normal for some pumps when out of water because not engaged. But why wouldn't the other pump sound the same? i can't even hear the other one at all.
P.S. Had a flooded engine compartment a few days ago, removed + changed plugs, cranked engines to get all water out. Lubricated engines, put plugs in, and after a few tries they started up fine. I'm just worried because I don't remember this rattling noise before this happened. But then again I just got the boat and it's the 1st time I go behind the boat when started out of water.
Thanks for any comments. i have an appointment at the local Sea-Doo shop, but just basically wondering if the noise is normal, and if it would be safe to put it in water tonight and run the engines to test.
Kingsland Marine
Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:24 AM
I tested the engines in water to see how they would run. Port side runs good, other side hard to start then stalls. I'm going to bring it to the local dealer today to get peace of mind. I just bought the boat this spring, so I'm not too familiar with it yet.
While it's at the dealer, is there any maintenance you guys would recommend to do that is commonly overlooked? The reason I ask this is I used to sell motorcycles and ATVs and know that sometimes even though people think they're doing all their maintenance, there's always that stubborn "hidden" grease nipple that nobody knows about.....haha
P.S. If the sleeves under the boat where the props are look pretty scratched should that be replaced asap? I was told to keep an eye on that. Since a friend borrowed the boat they look scratched and seems to be a tiny space there I didn't notice before.
Posted 30 July 2009 - 04:50 PM

Posted 31 July 2009 - 09:45 AM
Posted 07 August 2009 - 06:42 AM
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