Hi Forum Guys!
I am brand new here - just picked up my 2000/2001 240 Mercruiser M2 Speedster yesterday.
(by the way does anyone know EXACTLY how to tell what year the boat is?)
Not touched the water yet and the boat has been laid up for 2 years with no use.
So I've booked it in for a Service at the nearest SeaDoo service centre.
My Questions if anyone would be so kind are around what to mention to the service Dudes to check as the boat has been laid up for so long.
I read somewhere to be concerned about the Hydrosurge on this engine/hull combo - any thoughts or experiences?
I want to buy some Hydroturf for it - but not sure which to order I think it's the SD12 but until I am sure of the boats year seems silly to order. Has anyone got Hydroturf on their Speedster - and if so what did you go for texture and colour wise? (The s'doo is blue white - I think red would look awesome - but apparently fades.)
The seats look a little sad - and I lost seat cushions towing it (the guy who sold it to me didn't mention/know that they were comletely detached from the base - any idea where to get replacements (international please) and whether anyone does a range of covers?
I also want to give it a really good clean - so what products do you recommend to clean and polish?
Finally - what Oil do you recommend with this motor?
Sorry thats a lot
Take care and thanks

2000/1 Speedster Service after 2 year layup
Started by Wildpiguk, May 09 2009 06:02 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 09 May 2009 - 06:02 AM
Posted 10 May 2009 - 09:52 AM
Your Sea-Doo dealer should be able to tell you what year it is if you give them the HIN (hull identification number), but personally unless they are a certified Mercury service center I would not take the boat there. Most Sea-Doo dealers have no experience with the Mercs.
If the boat has been sitting that long it wouldn't hurt to pull all the plugs and spray some of your 2-stroke oil in the cylinders before the initial start-up. As for oil use the Quicksilver premium TC-W3 oil. Also make sure they check the Stator oil and the pump oil. Make sure all the controls move freely and the pump looks in good shape, change the fuel filters, and if possible drain the fuel tank and vapor separator and add fresh fuel.
There are quite a few people on here with hydro turf, and a number of threads about it so do some searching around and you should find lots of information.
Can't really help with the seats, but maybe try Ebay. Next time to keep them from blowing out get your self a trailering cove from Poppy covers. http://www.poppycompany.com/
I'm sure there are things I'm missing, but others may chime in as well. Have fun with the new boat.
If the boat has been sitting that long it wouldn't hurt to pull all the plugs and spray some of your 2-stroke oil in the cylinders before the initial start-up. As for oil use the Quicksilver premium TC-W3 oil. Also make sure they check the Stator oil and the pump oil. Make sure all the controls move freely and the pump looks in good shape, change the fuel filters, and if possible drain the fuel tank and vapor separator and add fresh fuel.
There are quite a few people on here with hydro turf, and a number of threads about it so do some searching around and you should find lots of information.
Can't really help with the seats, but maybe try Ebay. Next time to keep them from blowing out get your self a trailering cove from Poppy covers. http://www.poppycompany.com/
I'm sure there are things I'm missing, but others may chime in as well. Have fun with the new boat.
Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:05 PM
Thanks Aaron
The last three numbers of HIN put it as a 2001 boat
I'll phone and ask tomorrow if they are certified on the Merc - thanks for the tip.
I've selected the Hydro - turf - just waiting on selecting material for seat recovering hopefully hydroturf as well as going to make my own.
The tank is about full! Not sure what to do with so much unwanted fuel.
I had no idea the seats were loose - it looks as though the adhesive foam has given up.
Still - it was a nice project to make some new replacements - meant I could use better grades of foam and seal them well before covering.
I've ordered the Poppy cover - takes about 6-10 days to get here.
The last three numbers of HIN put it as a 2001 boat
I'll phone and ask tomorrow if they are certified on the Merc - thanks for the tip.
I've selected the Hydro - turf - just waiting on selecting material for seat recovering hopefully hydroturf as well as going to make my own.
The tank is about full! Not sure what to do with so much unwanted fuel.
I had no idea the seats were loose - it looks as though the adhesive foam has given up.
Still - it was a nice project to make some new replacements - meant I could use better grades of foam and seal them well before covering.
I've ordered the Poppy cover - takes about 6-10 days to get here.
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