now that my boat is out f warranty - i have decided to do the servicing myself, well as far as changing the oil, filter and plugs - have all the necessary tools and oil extractor - anybody got any tips?
also is it easy to check the torque setting on the supercharger clutch - i gather its just take the air intake off and then put a torque wrench on the shaft? if it is this easy, what settings should you use or look for?
any help appreciated

off waranty servicing
Started by thumper, Jul 04 2008 03:10 AM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 04 July 2008 - 03:10 AM
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
Posted 31 July 2008 - 09:06 AM
Kevin Seeber might be able to help you on this one, maybe try shooting him a PM.

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 12:42 PM
Kevin Seeber might be able to help you on this one, maybe try shooting him a PM.
There is virtually nothing you can't do with the maintenance on your own. One thing we always make sure of is to pressure test the cone. The biggest single do it yourself error is final drive bearing failure. Most often the cone leaked water in because the O rings weren't seated properly. The only other thing you won't have is the B.U.D.S. report to show any occurred or active faults, obviously if something is wrong you'll probably know it anyway. But the report is good to keep track of hours, minimum operating temps, and RPM history. Get a service manual too, it will give a lot of good step by step information. Other than that happy wrenching!
Kevin Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Kevin Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Kingsland Marine
Posted 05 August 2008 - 04:00 PM
servicing went well - sort of! - anyway it was ok and the boat ran fine - need a new battery now as the original at nearly 4 years is loosing its charge. i have decided to take the boat to a dealer and have them connect it up on the buds to get the report on any fault - thay said they would check this out and print a report for free which is great - unfortuantely its a long drive!
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:08 PM
Just wanted to say me too. We are the 2nd owner of our 06 sportster SCIC which is now 1 year past warrantee. We have been lucky not to have any annoying problems like seat detachment or hull cracking.
Start of this season I hired an independant mobile seadoo specialist to replace the wear ring, impeller, SCIC washers and SCIC turbine. He taught me how to pull the pump and change the prop and how to change the oil. THe oil is easy. I think I could comfortably do the pump myself with a how to guide now.
I'm fairly mechanical, but usually its the easy steps in these repairs and DIY mods that stump me up...
Start of this season I hired an independant mobile seadoo specialist to replace the wear ring, impeller, SCIC washers and SCIC turbine. He taught me how to pull the pump and change the prop and how to change the oil. THe oil is easy. I think I could comfortably do the pump myself with a how to guide now.
I'm fairly mechanical, but usually its the easy steps in these repairs and DIY mods that stump me up...
Posted 11 August 2008 - 08:50 AM
cool - does your mobile gm do the uk! -
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
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