Reverse Lever-Hour Meter-etc -2007 model
Posted 16 May 2008 - 07:19 PM
When going to forward does not always latch unless you really crank it into position. Of course you cannot get any throttle if it is not in proper position. Coming back to neutral is also a bitch and obviously is not safe either in an emergency. There is one advantage-Wifey cant use the boat.
Is the cable at fault. Has anybody changed this cable and can it be done relatively easy (DIY). I put some penetrating fluid on the bar that connects to the pin lever assembly just after the small boot and then moved the reverse gate up and down. Small droplets of water seem to be ejected. I am wondering if the seal could go here and that the water is creating pressure resulting in the stiff lever at the helm. Cable is apparently $165
How many Dess keys are supplied new. I only got one but would like a spare.
Mind your fingers on that fibreglass /matting or whatever it is called especially around where the poles for the extra bow filler cushions are stored. It can sink deep. Lots of little bits floating in the bilge. Cannot be good for the water pumps. Vacuum them up before trouble starts.
Small scratch on starboard blue Decal ($162)-expensive
I bet those ceramic washers are going to go next.
What about letting it go and trading it for a Sugar Sands
Posted 17 May 2008 - 09:05 AM
I only got one DESS key with our boat too, I am going to talk to our dealer about getting a spare made.
Keep an eye on the washers or talk to your dealer to see what it would take to get them upgraded to the titanium washers.
Don't give up hope on your SeaDoo yet because you won't have much luck with Sugar Sands, they filed for Chapter 7, http://www.stltoday....89?OpenDocument.

Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 17 May 2008 - 02:57 PM
Kevin N. Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Kingsland Marine
Posted 17 May 2008 - 11:56 PM
The hour meter fix is available for sport boats for the 150 and 180 models. While you are there for that you can get another key, the yellow personal watercraft works if they don't have a black one. I don't want to start a war but FYI we charge about $44.00 plus tax for the key including programming. With respect to Sugar Sand they are gone as is Gekko and Challenger boats. Anybody want a REALLY good deal on a brand new OASIS LX? Keep in mind the engine on a new Sugar Sand carries the same warranty as a Sea Doo and is extendable as well.
Kevin N. Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Wow Kevin, that's cheap for an extra key! Just in case it's also around $160 here in SoCal, can I order it thru you? Can I just send my key to you for you to duplicate the program? Thanks!
Ex2100 rare Polaris 250 optimax with tower
Blue 2008 SE with tower- sold
Ex-2000 Speedster MercV6- love that boat!
Posted 19 May 2008 - 10:41 AM
The hour meter fix is available for sport boats for the 150 and 180 models. While you are there for that you can get another key, the yellow personal watercraft works if they don't have a black one. I don't want to start a war but FYI we charge about $44.00 plus tax for the key including programming. With respect to Sugar Sand they are gone as is Gekko and Challenger boats. Anybody want a REALLY good deal on a brand new OASIS LX? Keep in mind the engine on a new Sugar Sand carries the same warranty as a Sea Doo and is extendable as well.
Kevin N. Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Interesting. I tried to get the hour meter update when I took in my boat earlier this month (Ride Now Powersports in Dunedin, FL). They hadn't heard of it and asked around locally and couldn't find out anything. If you have a link or something that wold be great.
On the above response about the throdle problem. I had the same issue and they fixed it right up during the service. My 50hr service would have been $325 but with the B.E.S.T. warranty it was free (plus they keep doing little things for free as well).
Posted 20 May 2008 - 01:18 PM
Kevin Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Kingsland Marine
Posted 08 July 2008 - 11:54 AM

Brought the boat home, launched, warm-up, WOT not where it should be. Chugged to my dock, lifted the engine lid, oil all over the place.

14 hour later, looks like a SC washer problem. see gman post "Looks like another washer issue"

Make the bad man go away!!!!!
95 XP (Old Yeller)
04 Arcticcat Firecat 700
78 Yamaha ET250
Posted 08 July 2008 - 11:56 AM
95 XP (Old Yeller)
04 Arcticcat Firecat 700
78 Yamaha ET250
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