Please respond
Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:56 PM
Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:58 PM
Can I buy the 2 stroke oil from walmart I have the twin 85hp 2 cycle engines or do I have to pay 40.00 from seadoo for it...just cause there says for seadoo rotax engines.....He is a link can I use this oil the XLF-2cycle or the premium plus
Please respond
Posted 06 May 2008 - 09:04 AM
Posted 07 May 2008 - 12:29 PM
I've used a couple different oils in my 97 Speedster, my 97 XP and others. There are reasons Bombardier specifies the real stuff. Quaker State has an alternative, as does Citgo and others. There are PWC oils (Quicksilver for PWCs to name one) that has the same specs Seadoo calls for. It is usually in a black container on the WalMart shelf and is not to be confused with the TCW3 Quicksilver in the silver jug. As a personal preference , I use Quicksilver TCW3 in a Polaris, and the Genuine Seadoo oil for the XP. I might have used a gallon last season, granted though the Speedster is a twin and the XP is not. As long as the specs are the same, use it. That means NOT TCW3 but an API - TC cert. NEVER mix two different oils together in the tank. All the Pennzoil blends in your link are TCW3- for outboard motors. Your Speedster doesn't need a full synthetic either.Can I buy the 2 stroke oil from walmart I have the twin 85hp 2 cycle engines or do I have to pay 40.00 from seadoo for it...just cause there says for seadoo rotax engines.....He is a link can I use this oil the XLF-2cycle or the premium plus
Please respond
Posted 09 May 2008 - 12:25 PM
Posted 09 May 2008 - 02:28 PM
This is a good one too: http://www.sea-doo.n...les/oil/oil.htmHere is a good link, http://seadoosportbo...p?showtopic=846. A member compiled this list a while back.
Posted 20 May 2008 - 05:05 PM
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