I have a trickle charger I use for one of my trucks that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Can I use this same system to trickle charge the 230's battery via the 12 V DC outlet in the console? Just a lot easier than having to get into the battery compartment every time if it will work OK.

Trickle Charge
Started by Mouflon, Jul 08 2007 10:14 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 08 July 2007 - 10:14 AM
Posted 08 July 2007 - 11:05 AM
The most important thing to check is that the trickle charger is automatic. That means it will turn on and shut off as the battery is full. The maunal ones will cook a battery. I bought one with leads that hook up to the battery and so when you want to charge it you just plug it into the lead rather than having to get down to the battery every time. Just my 2cI have a trickle charger I use for one of my trucks that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Can I use this same system to trickle charge the 230's battery via the 12 V DC outlet in the console? Just a lot easier than having to get into the battery compartment every time if it will work OK.
Posted 12 May 2010 - 11:41 PM
I think the circuit is not connected when the battery switch is in the off position. Only the radio memory and bilge pump circuits are connected in the off position. You may want to run some wires off the battery and install another cigarette type receptacle some where else that bypasses the power switch if you like that type of charger.
Definitely an automatic type trickle charger. I also use one one with the leads that are connected to the battery terminals and run under the seat. That way, I can turn off everything else with the battery switch and still charge the battery.
Definitely an automatic type trickle charger. I also use one one with the leads that are connected to the battery terminals and run under the seat. That way, I can turn off everything else with the battery switch and still charge the battery.
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