I was wondering if it would damage the outside of the hull and the boat if I pressure washed it with an electric pressure washer? It works great on my deck and brick, but wonder if it would be too harsh for the gelcoat? I think it would take the line from sitting in the water off alot better than trying to hand wash it! I know it probably wouldn't be a problem to use it in the ski locker and maybe the bilge...Do I need to covcer anything up when I am washing the bilge area around the engines etc? Thanks!

Is it ok to pressure wash my doo?
Started by Scarface, Apr 29 2004 07:17 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 29 April 2004 - 07:17 PM
Posted 29 April 2004 - 07:30 PM
Gelcoat is harder than you may think. I think it would be tough to damage it with pressurized water. Just don't hold it too close to the finish, and don't use any chemicals that could spot or harm the finish.
I don't think I would use it in the bilge. Even though most of the components are water tight, I would use a good degreaser (Simple Green, Greased Lightning, or a cleaner made for bilge cleaning) and plain old running water from the hose. Be careful not to direct the hose under the airboxes- there are large holes on the bottom side for air. I use a garden sprayer with cleaner and water mixed. I spray it all around in the bilge, but not on the engines. Then I flush with plain water. If you use Greased Lightning, be sure to not use it full strength. Rinse with plenty of water and you should have a clean and odor free bilge. I wipe the engines down with WD 40 and a wrag. Not sopping wet, just a good film.
I don't think I would use it in the bilge. Even though most of the components are water tight, I would use a good degreaser (Simple Green, Greased Lightning, or a cleaner made for bilge cleaning) and plain old running water from the hose. Be careful not to direct the hose under the airboxes- there are large holes on the bottom side for air. I use a garden sprayer with cleaner and water mixed. I spray it all around in the bilge, but not on the engines. Then I flush with plain water. If you use Greased Lightning, be sure to not use it full strength. Rinse with plenty of water and you should have a clean and odor free bilge. I wipe the engines down with WD 40 and a wrag. Not sopping wet, just a good film.
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
Posted 02 May 2004 - 02:06 PM
sounds great, maybe on tuesday when i am off i will do that!
Posted 02 May 2004 - 08:27 PM
While you're at it, come do mine too. And mount these tires on my trailer too.
I worked on my carriers all day yesterday, and forgot that I had no shirt on. I've got a really bad case of the lobster back today!!! What's worse is there was a perfectly good tube of sunscreen in the boat!!! I got done though, and that's what counts I guess.

I worked on my carriers all day yesterday, and forgot that I had no shirt on. I've got a really bad case of the lobster back today!!! What's worse is there was a perfectly good tube of sunscreen in the boat!!! I got done though, and that's what counts I guess.
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
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