I have a problem!!! 2 weeks ago my beeper was screaming. First it beeped 3 times and would do this every 30 seconds or so. Then it beeped constantly and I couldn't get it to stop. This however may have been something caught underneath because it suddenly stopped beeping and the boat started moving again. Now my tank is just over half way full of 2 stroke but when it gets to here the beeping begins. However on this day the reserve like tank on the side also went about half way down which was unusual. I refilled the main 2 stroke tank on Saturday and put it in the water but she beeped constantly and reeved high. I loosened the cap on the small reserve tank and ran the engine until it filled to the top again, I presume until the air was out. She seemed to run OK after that but still cries when the tank is half empty. Any help or suggestions would be adored! I hope this helps in some way to others too.

Oil Warning Sounds
Started by fialoe, Jun 29 2006 04:21 AM
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