[How-To] Upholstery
Posted 02 April 2004 - 10:16 AM
- LareeOwnefs likes this
Posted 02 April 2004 - 10:30 AM
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Posted 04 April 2004 - 08:33 AM
We got back home and I decided that I would go ahead and pull the seats- little did I know I would have to stand on my head to do that.
On my boat, there are 4 bolts and 4 "spears" holding the rear seating in place.
To get to the bolts, open the engine compartment, climb up in there, and stand on your head... Seriously, if you have long arms you're gonna need them.
The bolts come in from the bottom directly over the fuel cell. Looking at the seat ( on the 95, 96, 97 boats, I'm not sure about the rest)look at the center seat position. On each side there is a different colored pad- it kind of separates the seat positions- this is where the bolts are to be found underneath. The "spears" are just black plastic upholtery spears, just like most car manufacturers use to hold door panels on. When you unbolt the seat and pull it up, the spears will stay in the hull if you're lucky. If not you'll need to fish them out of the bilge. Or go the auto parts store and buy new ones.
The parts I need to reupholster are the 3 pads that you sit on. They are pop-riveted to the large seat assembly. No problem, get out the drill and pop the heads off. Now with the rivets drilled, the pad will fall off in your hand. There are exactly 67 staples holding each vinyl cover to the seat bottom. The bottom is plastic and the cover is stapled directly to it. I bought Monel staples because they are rust proof and alot less expensive than s/s. Stay tuned, my vinyl should be here Monday or Tuesday. I'll take some pics of the process and get them posted somewhere once I'm done.
Posted 04 April 2004 - 10:34 AM
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Posted 07 April 2004 - 07:59 AM
Stretching the vinyl around the seat was a pain on the corners and around the front edge of the seat pad. The front is rounded, and it was difficult to stretch the vinyl tight enough to eliminate wrinkles at these points. But with a little help from an extra set of hands, they don't look too bad!
I am thinking of reinstalling the pads to the main seat frame with stapled on velcro. This way, they can be removed for cleaning when needed, and you can take them out and dry them completely before storing for the off season.
I'm pretty sure I got enough vinyl to do the 3 seat backs too. My sunseat and spotter seat are OK.
Posted 07 April 2004 - 11:05 AM
Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 07 April 2004 - 03:05 PM
Posted 07 April 2004 - 08:50 PM
The sellers user ID was jcupholstery. It's good quality material.
Posted 13 April 2004 - 09:09 PM
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Posted 13 April 2004 - 09:11 PM

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- FIVEHOLE64 likes this
Posted 14 April 2004 - 06:57 AM
Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 14 April 2004 - 07:28 AM

Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:32 AM
Got the other 2 seat backs done. I took photos but was too lazy to post them last night. I gotta say they don't look too shabby, and I am certainly NOT an upholstery specialist. Gotta get them put back in for the beautiful weekend ahead of us!After......
Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:34 AM
Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:55 AM
Posted 16 April 2004 - 08:07 AM
Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:47 PM

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:48 PM

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:50 PM

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 10:52 PM
My seats in my '99 are also yellow and looking pretty dingy. I too looked into new seats, and after seeing the price, decided to try something different.
I used to work for Lear Corporation, a major supplier of Automotive Seats. We often painted the leather or vinyl seats if they got a scuff on them.
I recently contacted the supplier of the paint that we used. It is a vinyl paint designed specifically for seats. They had a yellow that was almost exact to the color of the Sea Doo seats. I bought a six pack, but have not tried it on the seats yet. I plan to try it later this weekend. If that does not work very well, then I will have to contact JCupholstery on ebay.
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