1999 Seadoo Challenger 1800 w/twin 787's... late last season, was having trouble with engines not going over about 4K RPM. I learned a common cause is dirty rave valves -- I'm embarrassed to say, in 11 years, they've never been cleaned. When I removed them to clean, I found 1 was broken! A piece about 1" x 1/2" was missing from the bottom corner
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5 downloads. The "wound" has carbon build-up on it so I suspect this happened some time ago. There's no sign of the missing piece in the slot (tried inserting one of the others -- no obstruction).
Should I be concerned that the piece might have caused piston/cylinder damage or, should I replace the broken rave valve and, if it runs OK, assume the piece got blown out the exhaust? Where else would it have gone?
Is there a way to check for piston/cylinder damage without removing the head (which I consider beyond my general mechanical abilities...)? I was thinking maybe a compression test -- thinking if compression is OK, it's not likely there was any piston/cyclinder damage?