Oil Products List:
I've compiled a list of 2-Cycle oil products that are currently available and should work with our 2 Cycle Rotax Engines. Please double check with the manufacturer to make sure this information is correct. For your convenience, I've tagged them with Good, Better, Best Protection. Also regarding the standards they meet, I've tagged them with the following to show why there are Good, Better, Best:
Certified = Paid lots of money to become certified
Exceeds = Manufacturer says it was developed to exceed, but never actually certified.
No Mention = Manufacturer says it was developed to meet, but never actually certified.
May be used = Manufacturer did not develop to meet, but thinks it's comparable.
Low Ash = Manufacturer Specifically Stated "Low Ash"
Good-Pennzoil Outdoor 2-Cycle Oil for Air Cooled Engines, API TC
Better-Pennzoil Outdoor Premium Outboard & Multipurpose 2 Cycle Oil (Not Marine Premium Plus), Exceeds API TC
Better-Castrol Super 2 Stroke, Exceeds API TC, Low Ash
Better-Castrol Super Snow, Exceeds API TC, Low Ash
Better-Castrol SYNTEC Snowmobile Oil, Exceeds API TC, Low Ash
Quaker State
Good-Quaker State Universal 2-Cycle Engine Oil for Air Cooled Engines, JASO FA & FB, and API TC
Service TC
Better-Quaker State 2-Cycle Motorcycle Engine Oil, API TC and JASO FC
Best-Quaker State Premium Green Low Smoke 2-Cycle Engine Oil, ISO GD, JASO FC, and API
Good-Citgo Superguard Marine Plus 2-cycle oil, "May be used for API TC"
Best-Citgo Superguard Sea and Snow 2-cycle oil Exceeds API TC, Exceeds ISO EGD, JASO FC certified, May Be Used JASO FD
Best-Citgo Superguard Air Cooled 2-cycle oil Exceeds API TC, Exceeds ISO EGD, JASO FC certified, May Be Used JASO FD
Better-Valvoline Durablend Multipurpose 2-cycle Engine Oil, API TC, JASO FC (Hard to Find, not on Website, DO NOT USE ANY OTHER VALVOLINE PRODUCT, MUST BE DURABLEND)
Good-Amsoil HP Injector Oil, API TC
Better-Amsoil INTERCEPTOR Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil, JASO FC, API TC
Better-Amsoil DOMINATOR 2-Cycle Oil, JASO FC, API TC
Best-Amsoil Saber™ Professional Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil ISO-L-EGD, JASO FC, API TC
Best-Amsoil Saber™ Outboard Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil ISO-L-EGD, JASO FC, API TC
Good-Quicksilver Premium 2 cycle oil, Can't find Product Data Sheet But Premium container (not Plus) states may be used for API TC
Good-Quicksilver PWC 2 cycle oil, API TC
Texaco Havoline
Good-Havoline Two-Cycle Engine Oil TC-W3, ISO-L-EGB, JASO FB, API TC
Best-Stihl Low Smoke Oil, ISOL-EGD, JASO FC certified

Started by absoffthewake, Jun 27 2005 04:01 PM
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