Has anybody tried trim tabs in a Sportster? Or even considered it?

Trim Tabs for a Sportster
Started by lmiranda, Jun 06 2005 03:57 PM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 06 June 2005 - 03:57 PM
Posted 07 June 2005 - 04:49 AM
why would you want to fit trim tabs to a boat this small?
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
Posted 07 June 2005 - 05:06 AM
I was going to ask the same question. I found my 4-tec Sportster was very well suited to light chop with the stock setup. It held the water very well for a 15' boat (when compared to my 14' Speedster (97)). I really never saw the need for trim on mine.why would you want to fit trim tabs to a boat this small?
Posted 08 June 2005 - 08:18 AM
glad im not the only one who thought this was a little strange - mine too handles the sea very well - trim tabs in my opinion would push the bow in too far on these boats and the freeboard is low enough as it is, plus it would probably detract from the pump as it would slightly tilt the grating backwards if you see what i mean and you may suffer some cavitation with tabs down.
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
Posted 08 June 2005 - 12:58 PM
I just got my 05 Sportster with the 155HP engine this past weekend. So far I love it, it’s small enough that I can launch it by myself in the lake and big enough that I can be almost all day out on it. I did notice that once you get over 30MPH the ride gets very choppy and it’s fairly easy to catch some air when around 40MPH with almost any size chop. This being my first boat ever, while a lot of fun, I got a little scared with the boat slamming down on the water at 40MPH. I don’t think the speedometer is very exact because it is always fluctuating and I don’t think I have gone past 40 yet. Of course I am aware that this is a small boat and I did wanted something small like this. But I have a question; is this normal behavior? And in that case I am sure the boat is built for that kind of punishment. It’s my first boat on my first week with it, so I guess I might be a little paranoid about not breaking it… What are your thoughts?
I just got my 05 Sportster with the 155HP engine this past weekend. So far I love it, it’s small enough that I can launch it by myself in the lake and big enough that I can be almost all day out on it. I did notice that once you get over 30MPH the ride gets very choppy and it’s fairly easy to catch some air when around 40MPH with almost any size chop. This being my first boat ever, while a lot of fun, I got a little scared with the boat slamming down on the water at 40MPH. I don’t think the speedometer is very exact because it is always fluctuating and I don’t think I have gone past 40 yet. Of course I am aware that this is a small boat and I did wanted something small like this. But I have a question; is this normal behavior? And in that case I am sure the boat is built for that kind of punishment. It’s my first boat on my first week with it, so I guess I might be a little paranoid about not breaking it… What are your thoughts?
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Posted 08 June 2005 - 04:34 PM
YES!!! Thats what Sea Doo sport boats are all about! Remember, the boat will always take more than the captain. The fact that you are concerned is good although you are worried about something you shouldn't be....keep flying and have a good time with the boat. The speedometer is another issue, it is fluctuating because there is a little air getting under the boat and disturbing the water flow over the wheel at the stern. We have found that most boats we deliver need a speedometer adjustment before delivery. Its just the way is goes!
Kevin Seeber
Kingsland Marine
Kingsland Marine
Posted 08 June 2005 - 06:03 PM
Well, that is really good to hear. I constantly read a lot about max speed and everything, but let me tell you; going 40 already feels like you are flying in my little Sportster. I realize why they say in their website that you will feel like a rock skipping on a pond… I will definitely ride with a lot more peace of mind and even bigger grin on my face.
Posted 09 June 2005 - 03:19 AM
when you are feeling the off balance bit - is it just you in the boat - mine rides perfectly at 60+ with myself and my girlie in it - infact i would go as far as to say that it is unbelievably a great ride - i am very confident in the baots handling - admittadly not in 3foot chop - but up to 2 foot chop its fine - it does take off a bit - but thats part of the fun!
The boat that just passed you was a seadoooooooooooo.
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