JOHNNY SPACEBOOTS PRESENTS TEARS OF A STEEL MOON: A SAILOR MOON/ METAL GEAR SOLID CROASSOVER BY JOHNY SPACEBOATS CHAPTER 1: SOLID MOON RISING Solid Snaek jumped off the bridge onto the tankered and called Otakon. "Solid Snake have you reached the tanker yet" Otakon said has he ajusted his glasses and watched anime. "Yeah I'm on the tanker now nobody saw me" said Snake. "Remember Snake you missed the tanker in New York and now you have to catch it while it's in the sea of Japan at Yokohama Bridge." "Yeah I know" said Snake. "Now hwat do I do" said Snake. "You haeve to snake around the tanker to find the metal gear" said Otakon and Snake said "Okay but why is there a metal gear" and otakon said "They are rogue bushists taking advantage of our alliance with Japan" and snake said "how dare they". And snake jumped off the rail and did a triple backflip while crossing his arms and pulling out guns and he fired and killed a guard. " I Hope there arew no bee people like there was in Vietnam" thought snake. "I checked there are no bee people" said Otakon and Snake saoid "I must have t been thining out loud again" and Snake and Otokon laughed a lot before Otakon said "okay now you have to focus on the mission" and Snake said "Okay". Snake saw two guards one was standing near the other and near a gas canister and there was a helicopter near them and snake thought "nice and hind-d" and he shot the gas barrel making it explaod killing one guard and making the other guard catch fireand <b>...</b> | From:Johnny Spaceboots Views:1 0ratings | |
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