As a boating newbie I was wondering how long the battery on my boat will last if I listen to the stereo while sitting on the lake with the boat turned off? Also, would there be a warning sound or something displayed in the instrument panel letting me know the battery is getting low? I guess what I am ultimately asking is how long will the battery last without having to worry about a dead battery. I have a 2011 Challenger 180 SE with the stock stereo. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Audio/ Battery Question
Started by mmp65, Jul 29 2012 11:43 AM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:43 AM
Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:29 PM
I used to worry also about the battery in my boat. Not anymore. I installed a Optima YellowTop battery (D31T). This battery is made for high powered electronics. You can read up on it on there website. It's expensive and also heavy but I don't worry about a dead battery anymore. I've had this battery in my 2009 150 speedster, and my new 2012 180 challenger.
If the battery is too much to purchase, you can carry a volt meter with you also to test the battery.
Yes, you will have an indicator on your dash to indicate Low Voltage. I can't remember if there is audio also.
If the battery is too much to purchase, you can carry a volt meter with you also to test the battery.
Yes, you will have an indicator on your dash to indicate Low Voltage. I can't remember if there is audio also.
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Posted 31 July 2012 - 10:11 AM
Thank you for your reply. I will hunt for the battery. Not sure if it is available here in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Thanks again and happy Sea Doo boating!
Posted 31 July 2012 - 10:44 AM
Website is
They have 3 brands. Red(vehicle), Blue(marine), and Yellow. I went with the YellowTop. This has the maximum power. I purchased mine in Winnipeg. Their website will locate a dealer close to you. Follow their charging procedure closely. I purchased an electronic charger from Canadian Tire, and I don't exceed 2 Amps. I charge mine after every use because I run an amplifier and 8 speakers. To this date, I've never had a dead battery on the lake. Hope this helped you out.
They have 3 brands. Red(vehicle), Blue(marine), and Yellow. I went with the YellowTop. This has the maximum power. I purchased mine in Winnipeg. Their website will locate a dealer close to you. Follow their charging procedure closely. I purchased an electronic charger from Canadian Tire, and I don't exceed 2 Amps. I charge mine after every use because I run an amplifier and 8 speakers. To this date, I've never had a dead battery on the lake. Hope this helped you out.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 11:06 PM
Wow never having a dead battery is impressive with a bigger stereo. How long do you actually run it without the motor running? You bought yours in Winnipeg, where do you do most of your boating? Just curious. Thanks again for your help.
Posted 01 August 2012 - 10:29 AM
That all depends on what is planned for the day. If we're doing water sports. Probably 6-8 hours being on the water. Stereo is always running during that time. When taking a break, volume is turned down so we can speak to each other without having to yell at each other. Once moving again, volume is turned back up. While doing this, the battery is recharging(somewhat). The battery is always lossing charge, because the boat is only charging at 30 Amps at 5500rpm. In all, the battery is holding up well. It will last for a day out of boating. When back home, I recharge it for the next time. I was planning on installing a 2nd battery but no need too. The Optima was an excellent choice to go with.
I do my 'Dooing at Paint Lake in northern Manitoba.
I do my 'Dooing at Paint Lake in northern Manitoba.
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