Speedster 150 depth finder tranducer
Posted 20 September 2011 - 08:04 PM
Posted 10 October 2011 - 08:53 PM
Installing the transducer in your boat you want to make the spot as smooth as possible or keep the air out from under and from between the hull and the transducer.
The best way to do this is to epoxy or glass (with matting) a piece of PVC pipe in that the transducer will fit flat against the hull into with one end threaded so you can install a cap over the top of the pipe to hold the mineral oil in and have the wire come out through the cap.
you can buy a cap with the hole in it so you can get a 3/4 or 1/2 water tight fitting (1.00)
Note the mineral oil and the glass hull will act like the transducer is in the water.
1. with a piece of PVC pipe wide enough for the transducer to sit flat in the bottom of the pipe as close to
the same width as the transducer and 1" to 1-1/2 inches above the top of the transducer with the cap on
the pipe
2. clean the place where you are going you place the transducer with acetone then rough up the surface with
80-100 grit sand paper. (I'd use marinetex or similar epoxy to hold the pipe in place so the pipe doesn't
move while glassing
Epoxy or glass "with matting" the pipe to the hull so it stands strait up (this can be glassed anywhere
below the water line "out of the way so it don't get bumped")
3. once the epoxy or glass has setup slide the wire though the cap and set the transducer in the pipe and
fill it with mineral oil and put the cap on put a bead of silicon around the wire or a water tight
4. run the wire up to the gauge and wire it in (should be able to follow the throttle and shifting cable)
once the wire is run coil the extra up at the transducer and wire-tie in place (make it look professional
and you can stand back and know you did it and saved a few bucks
Now about being able to program the head unit you'll have to ask around. I'd ask and find a shop that can
do it first
Have Fun and Be Safe Kdog
Posted 25 October 2011 - 07:07 PM
---I just purchased the OEM depth finder transducer for a 2008 speedster 150. The instructions are definitely lacking, but is fairly easy to install with the correct epoxy. The problem is dealers in this area have no clue about how to retrofit the transducer and the dealer many states away where I ordered the unit from is just as bad having never installed one. I called Seadoo and they will not help on any technical info and direct you to call a dealer even though the dealers are basically clueless. I know where to mount the transducer in the engine compartment. The question that I have is that do i level out the area under the gel pad with the expensive epoxy required. No one can tell me if the gel pad contacts the boat hull directly or do I need to smooth the area under the pad. The epoxy is needed to mount the base. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My other concern is once I install everything will the dealer know how to do the minute of programming!
Kdog's solution is good for non-OEM transducers. The one in my 150 is mounted this way: The epoxy is used to mount the outer ring to the hull, you will want to "freshen" the mating surface with sandpaper. The gel pad is the interface between the transducer and the hull (much like Kdog's mineral oil). The gel pad fits inside the ring, under the transducer. The transducer attaches to the ring. BTW, mine was installed by the dealer, and the epoxy failed after 1 year of hard riding. I reattached it with MarineTex, it has been good since.
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