Hi, I pulled on the choke when starting the engine and the square plastic piece holding it to the dash broke in half. It is made of a square plastic piece on top of dash, and same piece inside dash to hold the choke in place. The choke cable itself is fine and I can still use it if using both hands, awkwardly. Any ideas how to fix this?
97 Speedster

Broke plastic holding choke to boat
Started by GenghisKhan, Aug 08 2009 03:33 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 08 August 2009 - 03:33 PM
Posted 08 August 2009 - 10:47 PM
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Want to spread the word about SeaDooSportBoats.com and sport some official SDSB Gear? See what we have to offer here, http://seadoosportboats.com/gear
Posted 09 August 2009 - 09:27 PM
world of powersports is a good place to get parts. It seems they can always get them even obsolete ones. Its where I get mew decals for my boat yearly. Gotta keep it lookin fresh. Maybe I should look into getting some clear plastic protector for the decals rather than going through the hassle of removing the old ones and reapplying the new. World of powersports is a good dealership I have bought 2 bikes a fourwheeler and my speedster from them. The shop on the otherhand is slow but then again they are pretty busy at all times. They have even hand delivered parts to my house before for free. Thats pretty good customer service.
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