Hi Guys,
How good are Bombardier at providing spares where you are?
In the UK it seems to be pretty slow to poor.
Apparently if parts aren't in the UK then they are in Belgium and if not there then in the US.
BUT it seems even in the US there are hard to find parts.
The impeller housing for my 2001 Speedster and several cables were nowhere in Europe and were 3 weeks wait from the US.
Spare Seat cushions didn't exist anywhere (made my own).
There was only ONE spare seat cover (just the seat - not the backrest) in the whole of Europe and that would have cost $225.00
(Get your own made - better quality vinyl - cushioned for $45)
And finally the service centre (recommended by Bombardier) have had to jury-rig an external Stainless Steering bolt because otherwise the boat would be out of the water for another 3-4 weeks while they waited?
I have a Triumph Trophy 1200 motorcyle from 1992 - not too many around - I have never had to wait more than 4 days for any spares order - and thats after a total rebuild last summer.
I don't regret buying the boat - although I could have been better prepared - but I would like to use it this year sometime.

Spares Availability
Started by Wildpiguk, Jun 18 2009 07:25 AM
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