98 Seadoo sportster with twin 85's
Started by ashagman3, Jun 03 2004 05:58 PM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 03 June 2004 - 05:58 PM
anyone out there have one? I just got one and have a couple questions
Posted 03 June 2004 - 07:29 PM
I believe someone has one on the site, what questions do you have?
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Posted 03 June 2004 - 08:14 PM
is the starter relay located in the module(the big black box that the main harness feeds into.it also contains the fuses)one engine will not fire,the starter switch is ok,I swapped the switches to make sure it was ok.I jumped the power lead from engine to engine to enable me to fire both engines from one switch.My mechanic checked for me and says everything is good to the module,but no reading coming out of the module to the one engine.I trust his diagnosis although he is not a Seadoo tech.This module is $700 and not returnable and was wondering if anyone has come across this before.Also what rpm should the engines idle at?Also what type of maintenance do these boats require,oil change in crankcase?does the jet pump or trans require oil change.I am clueless to the needed maintenance and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.I will be getting the manuals for it this weekend.Thanks in advance for any help ...........Mike
Posted 04 June 2004 - 08:59 AM
The starter relays are in the MPEM box, although mine is grey. Take the cover off and look inside. The relays are quite pricey, however not as pricey as the MPEM itself. Study your manual when it arrives, it will answer ALL those questions.
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
Posted 04 June 2004 - 09:27 PM
I just leafed through the shop manual,it seems if there are any electrical problems that are deemed not a wiring problem ,it is a defective mpem.My mpem is a sealed unit and not servicable,looks like I'll keep the jumper wire hooked up until I get an extra $700.thanks for the reply and I'll keep the manual in the library(bathroom).
Posted 05 June 2004 - 08:22 AM
What a coincidence, I keep this thing there too!!!thanks for the reply and I'll keep the manual in the library(bathroom)

That's a shame that the box can't be opened. Mine is a big gray box in the engine compartment that has a lid screwed on. And does come off.
I can't imagine there being any difference in the layout of your 98 Sportster and the 98 Speedster twin. The diagram for the Speedster DOES show a separate starter relay that costs only $30 bucks. Do you have the parts breakdown on the Sportster? You said the same box holds fuses- what good would they be if the unit is sealed and not serviceable.
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
Posted 09 June 2004 - 09:44 PM
The fuses are accessable,like a car, pop the cover fuse cover off for access.I had her out today for our maiden voyage.She seems pretty good.I need to work out any bugs because I'm towing her 1350 miles to Pompano Beach for our vacationThe one engine idles high(2000 + rpm),I had it apart down to removal of the carb,Carb works freely alone but when throttle cable is hooked up the butterfly will not completely close.I tried adjusting the cable but it does not help.the cable also works freely but when hooked up the throttle has almost zero tension.Is there any adjustment on the throttle control.I guess when I take a @%*& I'll read my manual.
Posted 10 June 2004 - 05:25 PM
Funny I don't spell Tiggerman like that...@%*&
1999 Speedster Twin 110 hp
Posted 10 June 2004 - 05:26 PM
Forgot my

1999 Speedster Twin 110 hp
Posted 10 June 2004 - 06:29 PM
You're almost as big a smartass as me...

1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
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