2001 SpeedSter Seat Cushions
Posted 13 June 2007 - 01:32 PM
I knew the design didn't cushion the ride at all, but after I removed the bottom driver's side seat cushion last Sunday... the answer hit me. They built the seats backrsswards!!! Most of the foam cushion is located under the knees instead of the tailbone.
The seats were built by WISE. I contacted them and they gave the PC Corporate line which amounted to tough shat. This is a serious situation. My wife and I have suffered from lower back injuries and these seats have everything to do with them. I am interested in starting a Class Action and I would like to know how many of you share our pain??? Please contact me ripperpeachy@yahoo.com
Here's my thread: http://www.network54...hre... Backs!!!
I don't care who screwed up... to only have 4 inches or less of very very light weight foam between our tailbones and the hard seat... is criminal!!! Turn your bottom seat cushions around by 180 degrees and use some velcro or duallock to secure the front edge... then go jet wild on the roughest of water and tell me it doesn't make all the difference in the ride!!! Its like a whole new jet!!!
JetWild WithOut Back Pain!!!
Posted 22 June 2007 - 08:49 AM
You have GOT to be kidding me.I recently discovered a major screwup in our 2001 SpeedSter and its a bigger Oh-Shat than the HydroSuck!!! Its the Seat Cushions!
I knew the design didn't cushion the ride at all, but after I removed the bottom driver's side seat cushion last Sunday... the answer hit me. They built the seats backrsswards!!! Most of the foam cushion is located under the knees instead of the tailbone.
The seats were built by WISE. I contacted them and they gave the PC Corporate line which amounted to tough shat. This is a serious situation. My wife and I have suffered from lower back injuries and these seats have everything to do with them. I am interested in starting a Class Action and I would like to know how many of you share our pain??? Please contact me ripperpeachy@yahoo.com
Here's my thread: http://www.network54...hre... Backs!!!
I don't care who screwed up... to only have 4 inches or less of very very light weight foam between our tailbones and the hard seat... is criminal!!! Turn your bottom seat cushions around by 180 degrees and use some velcro or duallock to secure the front edge... then go jet wild on the roughest of water and tell me it doesn't make all the difference in the ride!!! Its like a whole new jet!!!
JetWild WithOut Back Pain!!!
You buy a sport boat and obviously drive it hard, then complain that you got jarred around by it?!?
I'm quite frankly DISGUSTED by this post. The seats are fine, you are the problem. If you are too damn fragile to own a sport boat, then don't buy one. If you are driving a sport boat so hard it hurts your back then stop driving it so hard.
Since when personal responsibility get thrown out the window?
If you do move forward with a class action, I'm contacting Bombardier to serve as a witness for the defense. I'm sick of mass tort abuse, and I'm sick of people not being responsible for their own actions. It's frivolous CRAP like this that will force companies like Bombardier to stop making fast boats and turn everything into idiot-safe over-padded slow cruisers. If you cannot handle a sport boat, sit on a pile of lifejackets, or better yet SELL IT and get a big heavy deep drafting slow family boat and let the rest of us enjoy our Speedsters.
Posted 26 June 2007 - 08:49 AM
I can easily assemble dozens upon dozens of posts on my forum where people just like me are tired of the pounding they receive while riding in chop and small waves. And this has NOTHING to do with riding hard,fast or wreckless. People complain about the pounding they take in waves. The numerous discussions include, driving ability in waves to limit the pounding, riding diagonally against the waves to limit the pounding, what speed to travel to limit the pounding, how to balance the people load to limit the pounding, using the throttle to limit the pounding, how to limit the "bow-bouncing" in waves, adjust the ride plate to limit the pounding and installing trim tabs/Place Diverter to limit the pounding etc etc.. etc...
The ride is rough no matter what... unless your on glass-like water. It is a 14' (plus 2' swim deck) deep chime hull which hammers the water with regularity. It is the nature of the beast and to say that I drive wild, too fast, carelessly, wrecklessly... I must say... "You are IGNORANT! You don't have a clue!"
Close mindedness and Mr. Naysayers is what cause more harm than good with this country. This is a legitiment product flaw which is causing harm to those who use their product. The seats are NOT fine. They are substandard and WISE won't take responsibility for their product flaw. So what is left to do? Sell the jet? No thanks... the correct answer is get new seats and make them take responsibility for their error.
Armand28, you need to open your mind and your eyes. You made a ton of assumptions which are completely false. Do you know me? NO. Have you consider the fact that the seats could be unsafe? NO. Have you riden in a jet with me? NO. Do you have any clue what a witness is? NO. I hope I never have to ride on the same water as you... because I would feel unsafe.
JetWild - Just is term for having fun on a jet... don't take it literally.
Posted 26 June 2007 - 11:31 AM
You have gone around to several boards trying to get others to join your quest for cash. You've known that it was rough for some time now and didn't do anything about it until now. Are you not responsible for your own safety? Actions like that are simply ridiculous.
Posted 26 June 2007 - 01:16 PM
Don't try and rationalize your greed with me, you think you see a payday and are going for it. You want a paycheck, and you don't want to work for it. You are everything that's wrong with America.I totally agree with your last paragraph. However, you are assuming that I drive wreckless and out of control. I do not. I also do not make a point to sue or get envolved in any type of court action for the sake of making money. You don't know me at all. Your comments are way out of line. You are basing your comments on "know nothing" politics of you thinking you know me. You do not know me, nor do you have an accurate picture of normal seadoo activities which include riding with crop and light waves. People have complained, a lot, about the harsh ride in their seadoo's. This is what it is about. Normal conditions and seats which offer NO protection to the tailbone.
I can easily assemble dozens upon dozens of posts on my forum where people just like me are tired of the pounding they receive while riding in chop and small waves. And this has NOTHING to do with riding hard,fast or wreckless. People complain about the pounding they take in waves. The numerous discussions include, driving ability in waves to limit the pounding, riding diagonally against the waves to limit the pounding, what speed to travel to limit the pounding, how to balance the people load to limit the pounding, using the throttle to limit the pounding, how to limit the "bow-bouncing" in waves, adjust the ride plate to limit the pounding and installing trim tabs/Place Diverter to limit the pounding etc etc.. etc...
The ride is rough no matter what... unless your on glass-like water. It is a 14' (plus 2' swim deck) deep chime hull which hammers the water with regularity. It is the nature of the beast and to say that I drive wild, too fast, carelessly, wrecklessly... I must say... "You are IGNORANT! You don't have a clue!"
Close mindedness and Mr. Naysayers is what cause more harm than good with this country. This is a legitiment product flaw which is causing harm to those who use their product. The seats are NOT fine. They are substandard and WISE won't take responsibility for their product flaw. So what is left to do? Sell the jet? No thanks... the correct answer is get new seats and make them take responsibility for their error.
Armand28, you need to open your mind and your eyes. You made a ton of assumptions which are completely false. Do you know me? NO. Have you consider the fact that the seats could be unsafe? NO. Have you riden in a jet with me? NO. Do you have any clue what a witness is? NO. I hope I never have to ride on the same water as you... because I would feel unsafe.
JetWild - Just is term for having fun on a jet... don't take it literally.
There is plenty of padding on the seats. If you disagree, go spend $10 on a cushion instead of calling for a lawyer you money grubbing pile of garbage.
You truly disgust me.
Posted 26 June 2007 - 02:11 PM

Posted 07 July 2009 - 01:15 AM
Posted 08 July 2009 - 09:10 PM
Posted 14 July 2009 - 08:49 AM
AS posted above it's a speed boat made for speed - you don't see sport cars with over stuffed padding in those seats , that's what the luxury sedans are for.
Posted 17 July 2009 - 08:09 PM
Posted 09 June 2010 - 12:45 AM
I am not a newbie nor did I buy a jetboat yesterday. I bought our 2001 SpeedSter off the showroom floor and it looks every bit as good as it did then. Since 1991, I have ran the network54 seadoo forum and togeather we have encountered/solved nearly every potential and common problem the SpeedSters encounter. We have jetwild, cruised, poker runned, fished, skiied, and tubed in ALL types of weather and I can tell with 100 percent confidence... those Wise seats suck! Not only do they not protect your tailbone as designed... the foam is breaking down, it is disintegrating... they are a mess. It is by far the worst part of the Seadoo by far.
If not this Summer or next... we will definitely be replacing these Wise seats.
JetWild W/O Wise Seats!
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