I have a 2001 Challenger 2000 and the last time we took it out it ran a little below the line on oil and started to beep every second. We filled it up right away but even though the tank is now above the line it will not stop beeping. Is there any way to tell if the engine is getting oil? Have the sensors been known to go bad on these? Any help would be appreciated!

Oil light on and beeping noise
Started by richmarino, Mar 16 2007 08:34 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 16 March 2007 - 08:34 PM
Posted 20 March 2007 - 05:05 AM
The same thing is always happening to my speedster. I reckon the sensor is wonky. Have you tried holding down the button for about 5 seconds to clear it? Thats the button you press to stop the beeping - the oil warning button.
Posted 20 March 2007 - 02:29 PM
When you say you filled the oil, which tank are you talking about. There is the large tank that holds about three gallons then there is the smaller tank forward and under the flywheel on top of the engine. This smaller tank is where the float sensor is. You must fill the smaller tank or the warning will not stop. I am assuming your engine is similar to mine, I have a 2001 Merc V6 240 HP.The same thing is always happening to my speedster. I reckon the sensor is wonky. Have you tried holding down the button for about 5 seconds to clear it? Thats the button you press to stop the beeping - the oil warning button.
Posted 21 March 2007 - 09:54 AM
Yes, I forgot to mention that. The small tank on the side of the engine also needs to be full. It happened me after a service that it wasn't and the beeping was driving me mad. I loosened the cap, left the engine run a bit and soon it was full again. I then closed the cap and hey presto!
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